Services A to Z
- Adam and Eve Street car park
- Available spaces in our multi-storey car parks
- Castle Hill car park
- Free parking for Blue Badge holders
- Grafton East car park
- Grafton West car park
- Grand Arcade car park
- Gwydir Street car park
- King’s Parade security barrier
- Lammas Land car park
- Map of car parks
- Off-street parking orders
- Park & Ride [Cambridgeshire County Council]
- Park Street car park
- Parking in Cambridge
- Parking payments, tickets and receipts
- Parking permits for residents
- Parking season tickets for businesses
- Pay a parking fine [Cambridgeshire County Council]
- Paying to park with JustPark
- Peak-time parking tariff
- Queen Anne Terrace car park
- Rent a garage or parking space
- Riverside car park
- Where to charge your electric vehicle
- About the development plan
- Affordable housing SPD
- Appeal against a planning decision [planning website]
- Apply for pre-application advice (as a developer)
- Background documents
- Brownfield land register [planning website]
- Building control
- Cambridge Civic Quarter: Strategy and Resources Scrutiny Committee
- Cambridge East Area Action Plan
- Cambridge Market Square project
- Cambridgeshire Flood and Water SPD
- Cambridgeshire Green Infrastructure Strategy
- Check for constraints on development
- Check if you need building regulations
- Comment on planning policy documents
- Compulsory purchase orders
- Consent to display an advertisement: application checklist
- Considerate Contractor Scheme [3C Shared Services website]
- Consultation on Main Modifications to the Cambridge Local Plan
- Design, heritage and environment [planning website]
- Development plan for Cambridge
- Discharge of planning conditions: application checklist
- Eastern Gate SPD
- Existing lawful development certificate: application checklist
- Foodstore provision in north west Cambridge
- Full planning permission: application checklist
- Further planning guidance
- Grafton Area of Major Change: Masterplan and Guidance SPD
- Greater Cambridge Design Review Panel [planning website]
- Greater Cambridge Local Plan
- Greater Cambridge Sustainable Design and Construction SPD
- Householder and small business planning advice
- Information for developers
- Infrastructure funding statement
- Land north of Cherry Hinton SPD
- Listed building consent: application checklist
- Local Development Scheme
- Local land charges
- Local Land Charges service privacy notice
- Local Plan 2006 (replaced)
- Local Plan and neighbourhood planning
- Local Plan review: About the examination
- Local Plan review: Consultations
- Local Plan review: Examination
- Local Plan review: Hearing sessions
- Local Plan review: Issues and Options 2 consultation
- Local Plan review: Issues and Options consultation
- Local Plan review: Post-submission correspondence with the Inspector
- Local Plan review: Proposed Submission consultation
- Local Plan review: Reference documents library
- Local Plan review: Written statements
- Making Space for People SPD
- Matter 1: Legal process and requirements
- Matter 10: Policies for travellers, caravan dwellers and travelling showpeople
- Matter 11: Joint omission sites on the edge of Cambridge
- Matter 2: Overall spatial vision and general issues
- Matter 3: Housing need
- Matter 4: Employment and retail
- Matter 5: Infrastructure, monitoring and viability
- Matter 6: Green belt
- Matter 7: Transport
- Matter 8: Housing land supply and delivery
- Matter 9: Areas of major change/Major development areas on the edge of Cambridge
- Matter CC1: Heritage policies protecting and enhancing the character of Cambridge
- Matter CC2: City centre and areas of major change
- Matter CC3: Climate change
- Matter CC4: Supporting the Cambridge economy
- Matter CC5: Services and local facilities
- Matter CC6: Maintaining a balancing supply of housing
- Matter CC7: Site allocations outside areas of major change
- Matter CC8: Omission sites
- Matter PM1: Housing
- Matter PM2: Green belt review and methodology
- Mill Road Depot draft Planning and Development Brief SPD
- Mitcham's Corner Development Framework Supplementary Planning Document
- Monitoring delivery in Greater Cambridge
- Neighbourhood planning [planning website]
- Neighbourhood plans
- New museums site development framework SPD
- Non-material amendment to planning permission: application checklist
- North East Cambridge Area Action Plan (1)
- North West Cambridge Area Action Plan
- Old Press/Mill Lane SPD
- Open Space and Recreation Strategy
- Outline planning permission: application checklist
- Park Street car park planning guidance
- Petitions and development control forum
- Planning application validation checklists
- Planning applications
- Planning compliance
- Planning Compliance Service privacy notice
- Planning Obligations Strategy SPD
- Planning permission to alter a house: application checklist
- Planning policy consultations and notifications: Privacy notice
- Planning policy publications
- Planning policy: background documents
- Pre-application advice [planning website]
- Pre-application advice privacy notice
- Pre-application presentation to councillors
- Preparation of the Local Plan 2018
- Prior approvals: application checklist
- Privacy notice for applicants and agents
- Privacy notice for representations
- Proposed lawful development certificate: application checklist
- Proposed modifications consultation
- Public Art SPD
- Removal or variation of a planning condition: application checklist
- Representations on planning policy documents: Privacy notice
- Reserved matters approval: application checklist
- Ridgeons site SPD
- Self-built and custom-built property register
- Stages in the preparation of the Local Plan 2018
- Statement of Community Involvement
- Step-by-step guide to planning permission [planning website]
- Strategic flood risk assessment [planning website]
- Strategic housing land availability assessment
- Street naming and numbering [3C Shared Services website]
- Supplementary planning documents and guidance
- Technical note on odour and Cambridge water recycling centre
- Telecommunications planning information
- The planning application process
- Urban design guidance and resources
- View and comment on a planning application [planning website]
- Written statements (South Cambridgeshire District Council)
Policies, plans and strategies
- Affordable housing programme
- Antisocial behaviour policy, procedures and service standards
- Biodiversity Strategy
- Business regulation plan
- Carbon Management Plan
- Climate change and sustainability
- Climate Change Strategy
- Community Centres Strategy
- Community Wealth Building Strategy
- Constitution
- Corporate plan 2022-27: our priorities for Cambridge
- Cultural Strategy
- Cycle planning and policy
- Digital strategies
- Electric vehicle charging points
- Enforcement policy
- Environment policy statement
- Greater Cambridge Air Quality Strategy
- Home energy and water policy
- Housing and related strategies
- Housing development
- Housing research
- Housing revenue account
- Housing services policies
- Housing strategy and research
- Local code of corporate governance
- Local Plan 2018
- North East Cambridge Area Action Plan
- Our vision
- Policy on adaptations for tenants with a disability
- Productivity Plan
- Smoke pollution
- State of the City
- Streets and Open Spaces service standards: Public realm enforcement
- Tree strategy
- Waste and recycling management policies and strategies
Pollution, noise and nuisance
- Air pollution and its effect on health
- Air pollution measurements
- Air quality
- Air quality guidance for developers
- Audible intruder, fire and car alarms
- Bonfires and fireworks
- Busking and the street performers' code of practice
- Clean air zone
- Common sources of unwanted noise
- Construction sites
- Contaminated land
- Drains and sewers
- Help reduce air pollution
- Improving air quality
- May balls
- New electric vehicle charging points
- Odour
- Pollution control abatement notice
- Report artificial light nuisance
- Resolve a dispute about a high hedge
- Resolve or report a noise issue
Procurement and contracts
- Contract management
- Contracts register and procurement portal
- How we advertise contract opportunities
- How we evaluate tender submissions
- Notification and formalisation of awarded contracts
- Our contracting strategy
- Procurement guides and templates
- Procurement policies and legislation
- Submit a tender for a contract