Services A to Z
Licences and permits
- Access licences
- Alcohol and entertainment licence fees
- Alcohol and entertainment licence forms
- Alcohol and entertainment licence guidance
- Alcohol and entertainment licence overview
- Alcohol and entertainment licensing
- Animal licences
- Apply for a premises licence
- Apply for or renew a private hire operator licence
- Apply for or renew a taxi or private hire vehicle licence
- Apply or find out about a personal licence
- Applying for a taxi driver's licence
- Be taxi aware: Information for passengers
- Charity collection licences
- Chimney height approval
- Complain about a taxi or taxi driver
- Current Temporary Exemption Notices
- Electric charging points for taxis
- Exemptions for taxi drivers
- Filming in Cambridge
- Gambling licences and permits
- Gambling licensing overview
- Gambling premises licence
- Gambling premises licence: Conditions
- Gambling premises licence: Giving notice
- Gambling premises licence: Plans
- Gaming permits for alcohol licensed premises
- Gaming permits for clubs
- Grazing permits
- Hackney carriage and private hire
- Have your say about a licence
- Hire a park or open space for your event
- House-to-house collection licence for charities
- Hypnotism licences
- Industrial licences and permits
- Keeping dangerous wild animals
- Knowledge test for taxi drivers
- Leaflet distribution
- Licensing of houses in multiple occupation
- Licensing register
- Market trading licences
- Operating schedule
- Pavement licences
- Permitted industrial processes
- Pubwatch
- Register of cooling towers and evaporative condensers
- Register of taxi licence refusals and revocations
- Registration of skin-piercing activities
- Renewing a taxi driver's licence
- Report an incident or collision with your licensed vehicle
- Residential boat mooring licence
- Residential caravan sites
- Saturday stall permits for charities
- Scrap metal dealer's licence
- Sex establishments
- Small society lottery
- Street collection licence for charities
- Street parties
- Street-trading licences
- Taxi driver's medical certificate
- Taxi licensing
- Taxi licensing fees
- Taxi licensing policy and handbook
- Taxi safeguarding and disability awareness training
- Tell us if your business uses a cooling tower or evaporative condenser
- Temporary event notices