Taxi safeguarding and disability awareness training

We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and adults at risk.

As a taxi or private hire vehicle driver, you might observe incidents that nobody else does. We believe it is crucial to equip you with the basic skills and knowledge necessary to identify and respond appropriately to safeguarding concerns.

Therefore, you are required to attend a two-hour online training course provided by STC Safeguarding. You must complete the course before you take the knowledge test, and attend refresher training every three years.

The course will teach you how to:

  • identify types of abuse and possible victims of abuse and exploitation
  • understand indicators of risk
  • understand the definition of disability and the different types
  • understand the legislation and regulations regarding disability, including wheelchairs and assistance dogs
  • understand the best practice and responsibilities in relation to both safeguarding and disability
  • understand how as a licensed driver you can assist in reporting concerns
  • have confidence to identify and report safeguarding issues
  • know how and where to report concerns

Report a safeguarding concern

If you witness something that concerns you, report a safeguarding concern online. This service is for the use of licence holders only.

The course

The course will be provided via Zoom. You will need a microphone, front-facing camera and stable internet connection. You can use a phone, but we recommend a larger screen. You will also need a pen and paper.

You will need to present your DVLA licence or passport to the online trainer. You will not be allowed to complete the course without this identification.

You must attend the course in a private location with no distractions, and set your phone to ‘do not disturb’ mode.

There is no test or assessment at the end of the course, but you will be tested on your understanding of the content in the knowledge test.

Book your place on the safeguarding and disability awareness training course

We do not accept any other qualifications as an acceptable substitute for completing the STC Safeguarding course.

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