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Cambridge City Council


We’ve tried to make our website as accessible and usable as possible for every user. We want everybody to be able to find what they need, regardless of any disability or impairment.

The content on this site should be accessible to screen-reading and magnifying software, and speech-recognition programs.

Tell us if you have any trouble using our website – this will help us to improve it. We’d also like to hear your suggestions about how to make it more accessible or user-friendly.

Recite Me accessibility toolbar

The Recite Me toolbar contains a number of functions which allow you to customise this website in a way to make it more accessible to you.

Functions in the toolbar include text to speech, dyslexia software, an interactive dictionary, and a translation tool with over 100 languages. You can read about the features in full on the Recite Me website.

To launch the toolbar, simply click 'Accessibility tools' in the website header.

Alternative formats

We can provide you with information in a range of alternative formats, to make it easier for you. 

Information in other languages

If English is not your first language, our interpreting and translation services may be helpful to you.

For more information, go to interpreting and translation services.

You can also change the language on our website using our accessibility tool.

Making our website accessible

Our website and the information on it is designed and written to be as accessible and usable as possible.

Read more about our website accessibility.

Get help

AbilityNet’s My Computer My Way website provides guidance including how to:

For questions about a service we provide, please use our contact us form