Report an incident or collision with your licensed vehicle

We must be satisfied that licensed vehicles are safe and suitable to transport passengers.

If a licensed vehicle is involved in a collision or incident, the licence holder is required to notify us and provide full details, as soon as is reasonably practicable and within 72 hours of the time of the collision or incident.

This applies to collisions and significant damage or defects which may impact on the mechanical use or appearance of the vehicle. 

To report the collision or incident, complete a vehicle incident form [RTF, 5MB] giving details of the incident, the plate and registration of the vehicle involved, the damage sustained, and tell us if the vehicle is being withdrawn from service. You should also include photos of the damage.

Send the completed form and photos to us by email.

When we receive the report

Depending on the nature of the incident, the severity of the damage or any other applicable factors, a Licensing and Enforcement Officer may need to inspect the vehicle.  We'll contact the proprietor to arrange this.

Vehicles that can still be driven

After the inspection, and if the vehicle can still be driven, the proprietor of the vehicle will be given one month from the date of the accident being reported for the repair works to be completed.  Failure to complete the repairs could mean the vehicle licence is suspended or revoked.

Repaired vehicles must be inspected by a Licensing and Enforcement Officer to ensure that the repairs are satisfactory. 

Vehicles that can't be driven

If the vehicle can't be driven, the vehicle licence will be suspended immediately for the repair work to be carried out. Failure to complete the repairs could mean the vehicle licence is suspended or revoked.

Download: full details of the reporting process for a collision or incident [PDF, 0.1MB].

Temporary and replacement vehicle licences

If the vehicle can't be driven, requires major repair works or is written off, you can apply for a Temporary Replacement Vehicle Licence or a Replacement Vehicle Licence, as follows:

Temporary Replacement Vehicle Licence - Where the original licensed vehicle is sent off for work/ repair and during that time a temporary “red licence plate” is issued for a maximum of 3 months.

New vehicle on an existing plate - If the original licensed vehicle is written off and no longer able to be used a new vehicle on an existing plate can be applied for and subsequently granted in line with the application requirements.

Complete the replacement vehicle licence application form [PDF, 71Kb] and send it to us by email.

A temporary replacement vehicle must undergo a mechanical fitness test. The Certificate of Compliance, V5 and relevant insurance must be sent in with the application form. All temporary replacement vehicles must also be fitted with CCTV that meets our requirements.

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