
The main aims of Cambridge Pubwatch are to:

  • Reduce crime and disorder in licensed premises by improving communication between businesses and relevant authorities
  • Achieve a safe, secure and responsible drinking environment in all licensed premises
  • Provide a forum where licensees can discuss problems and solutions

Some premises licences, particularly those for pubs, bars and nightclubs, stipulate that the designated premises supervisor, or a nominated representative, must attend Pubwatch meetings. A register will be taken at the beginning of each meeting to check for attendance.

Meetings take place every two months. They usually last about an hour. We confirm the date and venue of each meeting by email a week before. If you want to receive notice of each meeting, email to request it. You can opt out at any time.

We’ll store your data securely and not use it for any other purpose, unless you ask us to, according to our privacy notice.

Cambridge Pubwatch is facilitated by representatives of Cambridge City Council, Cambridgeshire Constabulary and Cambridge Business Against Crime.

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