Housing research

Housing key facts

Statistics on housing in Cambridge, including:

  • house sales and private rents
  • council homes
  • applicants on the Home-Link housing register
  • homelessness and rough sleeping
  • new homes required
  • general information on population, households and the economy

We update the statistics every six months. The most recent update is from September 2024.

Strategic Housing Market Assessment

Cambridgeshire Insight publishes a strategic housing market assessment. It is updated regularly, and ongoing improvements to it are being made.

Accommodation assessment: Gypsies, Travellers, Travelling Showpeople, Bargee Travellers, and people living in other caravans and houseboats

An assessment of the accommodation needs of Gypsies, Travellers, Travelling Showpeople, Bargee Travellers, and other caravan and houseboat dwellers was completed in September 2024. It covers the areas overseen by us and South Cambridgeshire District Council.

It assesses the need for permanent residential pitches, plots and moorings. It also considers the need for places for Gypsies and Travellers to stop temporarily.

The assessment will help to inform the new Greater Cambridge Local Plan. It will also inform further work to identify locations where Gypsies and Travellers can stay for short periods.

Previous assessments

The previous version of the assessment covered Cambridgeshire, King’s Lynn and West Norfolk, Peterborough, and West Suffolk.

Build to rent research

This research assesses the role that purpose-built housing for rent (‘build to rent’) might take in the local area. It was commissioned by us, South Cambridgeshire District Council and West Suffolk Council.

Private sector house condition surveys

We conduct  private sector house condition surveys as a way of maintaining a detailed picture of housing conditions in the private sector.

The survey results help us form strategies and inform investment decisions, and feed into statistical returns and other internal reports.

The most recent one was carried out in 2015. This was made up of two elements: a report based on modelling of the housing stock; and an interactive atlas which pulls together a range of data from other sources. 

Our previous housing condition survey was in 2009

Cambridgeshire housing research

Cambridgeshire Insight is a shared knowledge base for the Cambridgeshire area, which includes data and research on a range of housing and other issues. 

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