Urban design guidance and resources

This page links to information produced by us and South Cambridgeshire District Council, and other documents that might be useful.

The Cambridge Local Plan 2018 includes a policy covering tall buildings and the skyline (policy 60). This guidance explains how the policy can be applied to assess proposals for tall buildings.

This guidance note provides an introduction to design codes and how they fit with the planning process. It explains the level of detail that needs to be included in codes for local growth sites.

Visit our urban growth pages to find out more about how the growth of Cambridge is taking shape.

Suburbs and approaches

The historic significance and character of the centre of Cambridge is well researched and evident in its buildings.

The importance of the approaches into the city, however, has not previously been assessed.

The documents below are the result of rapid assessments of the main roads into the city centre.

Although they have no statutory status, they provide assessments of local distinctiveness which can be used as a basis when considering planning proposals.

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