Foodstore provision in north west Cambridge

We adopted our Informal Planning Policy Guidance on Foodstore Provision in North West Cambridge [PDF, 0.7MB] in 2011. It was written in partnership with South Cambridgeshire District Council.

The guidance sets out a strategy for the provision of two medium-sized supermarkets of 2,000 square metres net floorspace each. One will be located at the University of Cambridge site, and one at the National Institute of Agricultural Botany site. A third, smaller supermarket will be located at Orchard Park.

The guidance also sets out a number of development principles for the foodstores, which should be followed by developers.

Development of informal planning policy guidance

A wide and detailed evidence base was put together (see documents below) to produce an options report for public consultation. Public consultation was carried out between 6 September and 18 October 2010.

The representations received were analysed and used to help guide the development of the guidance. The council's responses to the representations can be accessed by either searching the consultation database, or opening the document below.


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