Local Plan review: Post-submission correspondence with the Inspector

An overview of the examination process is available on the Local Plan review: Examination homepage.

This page lists the correspondence between the Inspector and Cambridge City Council and South Cambridgeshire District Council since the submission of the Local Plans on 28 March 2014. The reference numbers listed before each link refer to the reference documents library.

The Programme Officer's letter of 9 October 2015 [PDF, 67Kb] relating to the full objectively-assessed need for housing in the Cambridge City Local Plan and the South Cambridgeshire Local Plan has been sent to those people identified as having made relevant representations at the time of the submission local plans consultations. The Inspectors have given these people the opportunity to make further comment.  If you believe you should have been contacted please get in touch with the Programme Officer, quoting the relevant local plan and representation number(s). Please email to either

programme.officer@cambridge.gov.uk or



Gloria Alexander is the Programme Officer who is assisting the Inspectors. All correspondence relating to the examination should be addressed to Gloria Alexander:

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