Local Plan review: Reference documents library

On 18 October 2018, the Cambridge Local Plan was adopted and the Adopted Cambridge Policies Map was agreed for publication. Together the Cambridge Local Plan (October 2018) and Adopted Policies Map (October 2018) replace the Cambridge Local Plan 2006 'Saved' Policies and Adopted Cambridge Proposals Map (October 2009). We will update our website soon to reflect these changes.

The reference documents library comprises the evidence base and supporting documents that were used in the production of the Cambridge City Council Cambridge Local Plan 2014: Submission and the South Cambridgeshire District Council Proposed Submission Local Plan (July 2013).

The library is a joint library including documents from Cambridge City Council and South Cambridgeshire District Council. The library will be updated throughout the examination process and additional sections will be added.

Please note: If you are not able to access a document within the Local Plan examination reference document library, please contact us.

The reference documents library is arranged in the following order:

  • RD/Gen - General documents
  • RD/NP - National policy
  • RD/Gov - Government regulations and acts
  • RD/Sub/SC - South Cambridgeshire District Council submission documents
  • RD/Sub/C - Cambridge City Council submission documents
  • RD/Top - Topic papers
  • RD/CR - Committee reports and minutes
  • RD/LP - Earlier stages of plan making
  • RD/AD - Adopted development plan documents
  • RD/SPD - Adopted supplementary planning documents
  • RD/Strat - Development strategy
  • RD/SS - Strategic sites
  • RD/CC - Climate change and managing resources
  • RD/HQ - Design and high quality places
  • RD/NE - Protecting and enhancing the natural and historic environment
  • RD/H - Housing
  • RD/E - Economy and tourism
  • RD/CSF - Communities, services and facilities
  • RD/T - Transport and Infrastructure
  • RD/RWL & DIO – Documents referred to in representations submitted by RLW Estates Ltd and the Defence Infrastructure Organisation
  • RD/SCG – Statements of Common Ground

Submission Documents

A comprehensive list of all of the documents submitted to the Secretary of State is available in the reference documents library.

The submission documents for the Cambridge Local Plan 2014: Proposed Submission include:

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