Local Plan review: Proposed Submission consultation

We produced a draft Local Plan for Cambridge, the Cambridge Local Plan 2014: Proposed Submission.

We asked the public to let us know what they thought about the Cambridge Local Plan 2014: Proposed Submission [PDF, 25MB] and its accompanying Policies Map [PDF, 12.5MB]. The public consultation ran for ten weeks, running from 9am on 19 July 2013 to 5pm on 30 September 2013. The consultation is now closed.

Responses to the consultation

If you would like to view responses to the consultation visit our online consultation system.

What happened after the consultation?

The key issues raised and the schedule of minor changes to the plan were considered at Development Plan Scrutiny Sub-Committee on Tuesday 17 December 2013, at Environment Scrutiny Committee on 14 January 2014 and at Full Council on 13 February 2014.

The council submitted the Cambridge Local Plan 2014 to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government on 28 March 2014 for independent examination. A full list of the documents submitted for examination are found in the reference documents library.
The Secretary of State appointed Laura Graham BSC MA MRTPI as the Inspector from the Planning Inspectorate to carry out an independent examination of the Cambridge Local Plan. Her task is to establish whether the Local Plan is ‘sound’, taking into consideration representations made during public consultation on the Proposed Submission Local Plan between July and September 2013. She will then report on her findings, including advising if changes are needed to make the Local Plan sound. The Inspector is being assisted by an Assistant Inspector – Alan Wood MSC FRICS.

The examinations started on 4 November 2014, for more information on the Local Plan Examination visit our Local Plan examination page.

Since the commencement of the examination a further round of consultation has been undertaken on proposed modifications to the Local Plans after which Local Plans Examinations will recommence.

Consultation Documents

The documents that were associated with the Cambridge Local Plan 2014: Proposed Submission consultation (from 19 July 2013 to 30 September 2013)  are listed below.

Hard copies of the documents can be purchased from the customer service centre or posted to you on request. Prices are:

  • Cambridge Local Plan 2014: Proposed Submission and Policies map £27 plus £5.85 (first class postage) or £4.60 (second class postage).
  • Sustainability Appraisal  - £19 plus £1.33 or £1.09 (postage)
  • Cambridge Local Plan 2014: Proposed Submission, Policies map and Sustainability Appraisal £48 plus £7.50 or £6.85 (postage)

Background documents

Background documents that have been used to inform the creation of the Cambridge Local Plan 2014: Proposed Submission can be found on our background documents page


A series of exhibitions were held throughout the city and South Cambridgeshire for people wishing to ask any questions, raise any comments or talk to council officers. Dates and venues for these exhibitions are listed below.

  • Monday 22 July, 2.30 to 7.30pm at Trumpington Pavilion*
  • Tuesday 23 July, 2.30 to 7.30pm at Guildhall – Large Hall*
  • Wednesday 24 July, 2.30 to 7.30pm at Cambridge United Football Ground - Dublin Suite*
  • Friday 26 July, 2.30 to 7.30pm at Great Shelford Memorial Hall**
  • Friday 26 July, 2.30 to 7.30pm at Large Meeting Room, Cherry Hinton Village Centre**
  • Monday 29 July, 2.30 to 7.30pm at Wolfson College – Seminar Room*
  • Wednesday 31 July, 2.30 to 7.30pm at Meadows Community Centre**
  • Tuesday 27 August, 2.30 to 7.30pm at The Hall, Castle Street Methodist Church*
  • Wednesday 28 August, 2.30 to 7.30pm at The Hall, Queen Emma Primary School, Gunhild Way*
  • Wednesday 4 September, 2.30 to 7.30pm at Guildhall – Large Hall*
  • CHANGE OF VENUE - Thursday 5 September, 2.30 to 7.30pm at Histon and Impington Recreation Ground**
  • Friday 6 September, 2.30 to 7.30pm at Brown’s Fields Youth & Community Centre, Green End Road*
  • Saturday 7 September, 11am to 5pm at Bharat Bhavan, Mill Road (Old Library)*

* Cambridgeshire County Council transport officers will be attending all our exhibitions.

** South Cambridgeshire District Council planning officers will be attending these exhibitions.

Federation of Cambridge Residents' Associations Event

An event was held on Saturday 13 July 2013 where officers from Cambridge City Council, South Cambridgeshire District Council and Cambridgeshire County Council gave presentations on the two Local Plans and the Draft Transport Strategy for Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire. The presentation material can be found here:

Other related consultations

* Cambridgeshire County Council consulted on the draft Transport Strategy for Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire between 19 July and 30 September 2013. Cambridgeshire County Council officers attended all our exhibitions to talk about the draft Transport Strategy for Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire. To find out more about the Transport Strategy's progress, please visit the county council's Transport Strategy for Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire page.

** South Cambridgeshire District Council consulted on the draft South Cambridgeshire Local Plan between 19 July and 14 October 2013. South Cambridgeshire District Council officers also attended a number of our exhibitions alongside Cambridge City Council and Cambridgeshire County Council officers. To find out more about the progress of South Cambridgeshire's documents, please visit South Cambridgeshire District Council's Local Plan pages.

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