Open Space and Recreation Strategy

The council adopted the Open Space and Recreation Strategy 2011 [PDF, 38.5MB] as a material consideration and as part of the technical evidence base for the Local Plan Review in October 2011.

The strategy covers many open spaces within the city, from major tracts of green space to small pockets of open space. It includes land which is available for use by the public, but also private land which contributes to the character, environmental quality or recreational resources of the city.

The strategy is important as it seeks to ensure that open space supports the development of sustainable communities, and the enhancement of the health and well-being of residents and the biodiversity of the city.

It sets out to ensure that open space in Cambridge meets the needs of all who live, work, study in or visit the city and provides a satisfactory environment for nature and enhances the local townscape, complementing the built environment.

The strategy:

  • sets out the protection of existing open spaces;
  • promotes the improvement of and creation of new facilities on existing open spaces;
  • sets out the standards for open space and sports provision in and through new development;
  • supports the implementation of Section 106 monies and future Community Infrastructure Levy monies

Chapter 5 of the strategy sets out new Open Space and Recreation Standards, which update those contained in the Open Space and Recreation Strategy 2006.

The adopted standards for the quantity of open space required through new development are set out in the Cambridge Local Plan 2006.

Policy 3/8 of the Cambridge Local Plan 2006 requires all residential development to include open space in accordance with the open space standards as included in Appendix A of the Local Plan.

As this strategy suggests new standards, the Cambridge Local Plan 2006 standards will stand as the adopted standards for the time-being. However, the strategy's new standards will form part of the evidence base for the review of the Local Plan and support the use of the council's Planning Obligations Strategy Supplementary Planning Document.

Following the adoption of the next Local Plan, the strategy will be formally updated and readopted in order to ensure that the standards of the new Local Plan and strategy are aligned.

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