Local Plan 2006 (replaced)

On 18 October 2018, the Cambridge Local Plan was adopted and the Adopted Cambridge Policies Map was agreed for publication. Together the Cambridge Local Plan (October 2018) and Adopted Policies Map (October 2018) replace the Cambridge Local Plan 2006 'Saved' Policies and Adopted Cambridge Proposals Map (October 2009). We will update our website soon to reflect these changes.

The Cambridge Local Plan [PDF, 4.5MB] forms part of the development plan for Cambridge and sets out a vision, policies and proposals for future development and land use in Cambridge to 2016.

It will be the main consideration in the determination of planning applications.

The Cambridge Local Plan was formally adopted at a meeting of full council on 20 July 2006, following a period of review, which began in 2001.

A legal challenge to the adoption of the plan was made by Ashwell Limited (Barton Road) shortly after adoption. The High Court judgement, released on 20 July 2007, was in favour of the city council. Subsequently, the Court of Appeal rejected Ashwell's case on 22 October 2008.

Read about the Local Plan review.

Secretary of State's direction

While we are preparing the documents that comprise Cambridge's Local Development Framework, which will replace the Cambridge Local Plan, the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 makes provision for councils to retain their local plan policies by application to the Secretary of State.

The Secretary of State issued a formal direction on 2 July 2009 saving the majority of policies in the Cambridge Local Plan.

The Cambridge Local Plan [PDF, 4.5MB] is available for download, but this should be read with reference to the Secretary of State's letter and direction [PDF, 57Kb]. Only those policies listed in schedule 1 of the direction are now formally part of the Cambridge Local Plan.

The eight policies deleted from the Cambridge Local Plan expired on 20 July 2009. They are listed in the advice note on deleted local plan policies [PDF, 17Kb] with the reasoning for deletion and advice on where alternative policy support can be obtained.

There are no changes to the appendices of the plan or the proposals map (February 2008).

The following policies and proposals in the Local Plan have also been superseded with the adoption of the North West Cambridge area action plan:

  • Policy 9/7 - Land between Madingley Road and Huntingdon Road
  • Proposal site 9.07 - Madingley Road/Huntingdon Road
  • Proposal site 9.11 - 19 Acre Field and land at Gravel Hill Farm

The proposals map will be updated as required.

View the Local Plan

To view the progress of the Local Development Framework and to view a list of the documents that comprise the Development Plan for the city, visit the Local Development Scheme page.

You can view specific proposals sites, land designations and policies relating to them on our proposals map or you can download a PDF of our Cambridge Local Plan Proposals Map. [PDF, 16.5MB] The interactive proposals map is in the process of being updated to show the changes resulting from the adoption of the Cambridge East and North West Cambridge area action plans. The proposals maps for these areas are available to view as inset maps:

Or online

The Cambridge Local Plan, including a copy of the proposals map, is available to purchase at a cost of £30 (not including postage and packing) and the Final Inspector's Report [PDF, 0.8MB] can also be purchased at a cost of £20 - not including postage and packing.

Proposals maps can be purchased separately at a cost of £10 - not including postage and packing.

Contact us if you want to purchase any of these documents. Further copies of the proposals map, including subsequent revisions, will be available at cost.

Schematic diagrams and maps contained in the plan

Cambridge Local Plan Inspector's Report

The final version of the Cambridge Local Plan Inspector's Report [PDF, 0.8MB] was received on 16 May 2006. It incorporates some of the modifications sought by the city council in relation to the clarity of the report and its recommendations.

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