Digital strategies

We have two strategies that set out our digital ambitions as a council.

See also: Digital inclusion directory

Digital, Data and Technology Strategy

Our Digital, Data and Technology (DDaT) strategy is focused on:

  • improving digital accessibility and the customer experience
  • having systems that talk to each other
  • using data to gain better insights
  • having staff with better digital and data skills
  • buying the right tech and tools

Getting these basics right will help us to foster innovation, laying the foundations for the future use of emerging technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), and enhance the experience of both employees and citizens engaging with the council's services.

Digital Access Strategy

The aim of our Digital Access Strategy is to support residents in the city who are not currently online to access the internet and develop their digital skills. The strategy aims to achieve this through developing projects that build on the existing support provided by us and partner organisations in the city.

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