Consultation on Main Modifications to the Cambridge Local Plan

Public consultation on Main Modifications to the South Cambridgeshire Local Plan and Cambridge Local Plan (and associated Sustainability Appraisal of the Main Modifications) ended at 5pm on Friday 16 February 2018.

View the consultation documents and representations to the consultation on the Greater Cambridge Planning Service consultation website.

The Statement of Consultation provides a summary of the representation received.

What happens next?

The representations (in full) received have been submitted to the Inspectors undertaking the examination.

The Inspectors will consider all the comments received and will decide whether any further hearings are necessary, or any issues need to be revisited. At the end of the examination process the Inspectors will present their final conclusions in their Reports into the examination of each Local Plan. If the plans are found ‘sound’, with any necessary modifications, they would be able to be adopted by the Councils.

Why did the Councils carry out public consultation?

The Inspectors asked that consultation be carried out on the Main Modifications that they consider may be necessary in order for the Local Plans to be found ‘sound’. The Inspectors’ final conclusions will be given in their Reports in due course.

The Main Modifications Consultation Report explains the purpose of the consultation and includes schedules of modifications for each Local Plan. A summary of the issues addressed in the Main Modifications for each Local Plan is outlined in Chapter 3 of the Main Modifications Consultation Report.

How to Have Your Say

Consultation on Main Modifications identified by the Inspectors to the Cambridge Local Plan and the South Cambridgeshire Local Plan and associated Sustainability Appraisal ran from 9am on Friday 5 January and 5pm on Friday 16 February 2018. The consultation has now closed.

View the consultation documents and representations to the consultation on the Greater Cambridge Planning Service consultation website.

NOTE: Representations, including names, are available to view on the Councils’ websites. Full representations including addresses will also be available to view on request.

NOTE: A small number of Main Modifications apply to both Local Plans. If comments related to both Local Plans separate comments to each Local Plan would have to have been made; comments submitted only to one Local Plan were not be applied to the other.

What could I comment on?

The Main Modifications Consultation Report explains the purpose of the consultation and includes schedules of modifications for each Local Plan. The modifications identify specific changes to the wording of the Local Plans submitted for examination in March 2014 or to the associated Policies Maps.

This consultation did not repeat the consultations already carried out on the Proposed Submission Local Plans in Summer 2013 and the Proposed Modifications Joint Consultation in December 2015. As a result the consultation does not include modifications that had previously been consulted upon, unless that modification has been further amended subsequently. Where amended modifications were included in this consultation, comments were only invited on the new parts of the modifications (bold text) rather than the earlier parts of the modifications that have already been consulted on. However, the ‘provisional’ modification from 2015 to allocate land south of Cambridge Biomedical Campus for employment development was included in this consultation, with revisions.

The Inspectors advised the Councils take a rigorous approach to accepting only those comments that relate to the advertised modifications. Any comments made that go beyond commenting on the Main Modifications or the accompanying Sustainability Appraisal that are the subject of this consultation were not  registered.

Consultation Documents

Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire Main Modifications Consultation Report (RD/MM/010)

Sustainability Appraisal of Main Modifications (RD/MM/020)

Hard copies of the documents can be purchased from the customer service centre or posted to you on request. Prices are:

  • Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire Main Modifications Consultation Report £30
  • Sustainability Appraisal of Main Modifications £28
  • Postage: Individual documents: 1st class £5.22, 2nd class £2.62. Both documents: 1st class £15.85, 2nd class £13.75


Consultation documents were also available to viewed during the consultation at:

  • Cambridge City Council’s Customer Services Centre at Mandela House, Cambridge;
  • South Cambridgeshire District Council’s offices in Cambourne.

What was the Main Modifications Consultation about?

The Cambridge Local Plan and South Cambridgeshire Local Plan were submitted for examination in March 2014. The examination process is being carried out by independent planning inspectors to determine whether the Local Plans are ‘sound’ and have complied with the necessary ‘legal requirements’.

Following completion of examination hearings into the Cambridge Local Plan and South Cambridgeshire Local Plan in July 2017, the plans reached the next key stage in the process. The Inspectors asked that consultation be carried out on the Main Modifications they consider may be necessary in order for the Local Plans to be found ‘sound’. The Inspectors’ final conclusions will be given in their Reports in due course.

The Councils therefore consulted on the Main Modifications identified by the Inspectors and the associated Sustainability Appraisal of the Main Modifications. At the same time the Councils published some Additional (minor) Modifications, such as typographical errors and factual updates. They did not formally form part of the consultation but were provided for completeness.

What happens next?

The Councils will register all the comments received and publish them on their websites (via the interactive online consultation response systems).

The comments (in full) relating to the Main Modifications will be submitted to the Inspectors undertaking the examination.

The Inspectors will consider all the comments made on the Main Modifications and decide whether any further hearings are required, or any issues need to be revisited. At the end of the examination process they will present their final conclusions in their Reports into the examination of each Local Plan. If the plans are found ‘sound’, with any necessary modifications, they would be able to be adopted by the councils.

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