Clean air zone

In 2019 we undertook a Feasibility Study to investigate whether introducing one or more clean air zones in Cambridge would help reduce air pollution. The Feasibility Study was funded by the Greater Cambridge Partnership (GCP). Cambridgeshire County Council also took part as the Highways Authority for Cambridge, responsible for roads in the city.

The Feasibility Study report can be found on the GCP website.

There is currently no Clean Air Zone in Cambridge.

Sustainable Travel Zone

The GCP considered introducing a Sustainable Travel Zone as part of the Making Connections Programme in 2023.

The Sustainable Travel Zone was a zone which implemented a charge on vehicles to enter the zone. Further details of the Sustainable Travel Zone can be found on the GCP website, within the Making Connections programme work.

A decision was made in 2023 to not pursue a Sustainable Travel Zone in Cambridge, further details of this decision can be found on the GCP website.

Other measures

We’re also implementing other measures to improve air quality in the city, such as improving cycling and walking facilities.

And we’re working with local taxi firms and bus operators to encourage the use of ultra-low and zero-emission vehicles.

Cambridge City Council has not considered implementing a Low Emission Zone at this time.

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