Park Street car park planning guidance

Cambridge City Council own and manage Park Street car park. The proposal to demolish the existing car park and redevelop the site to provide a replacement car park, cycle park, residential and commercial uses was agreed by the Council’s Strategy and Resources Committee on 18 January 2016.

At the meeting of the Strategy and Resources Committee on 12 October 2015, the Leader of the Council requested a planning brief be prepared for the Park Street Car Park.

The Park street Planning Guidance Note was approved by Development Plan Scrutiny Sub-Committee on 14 March 2016.

The Council has since published Park Street Car Park Planning Guidance [PDF, 8.5MB], which outlines the planning context and constraints of the site and establishes the key development principles for the redevelopment. Please note figure 19 has been amended to more accurately represent the existing scale and massing along the north western edge of the car park. This guidance will help to ensure that the best and most efficient use of the land is delivered. The guidance will also be used to assist Planning Officers in making recommendations on future redevelopment proposals on the site and inform Councillors tasked with making decisions on planning applications.

The requirements for the development include:

  • Redevelopment of Park Street Car Park;
  • 250 space underground car park;
  • Above ground, a mixed development of market, intermediate and social housing, including an option for commercial rental on the ground floor, in conjunction with cycle parking;
  • The same or greater number of cycle parking spaces

Relevant documents

 Committee process

Proposals to redevelop Park Street Car Park and the development of the Park Street Car Park Planning Guidance were agreed at the following committees:

What does the guidance do?

The Park Street Car Park Planning Guidance [PDF, 8.5MB] will assist Officers tasked with making recommendations on future redevelopment proposals and Councillors tasked with making decisions on planning applications.

Whilst the guidance provides a thorough understanding of the key planning matters relating to this site, it cannot account for subsequent changes in policy at a national or local level or in guidance and standards that may occur beyond the point of publication and approval.

It should also be noted that the guidance does not repeat existing guidance or policies but instead will make reference to other documents and advice where relevant. Future development proposals will need to be consistent with approved national and local policies in place at the time of the determination of planning applications. It will be for the site promoter to retain suitably qualified expertise to advise them of all planning related matters.

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