Antisocial behaviour policy, procedures and service standards

The Anti-social Behaviour Act 2003 requires local housing authorities, housing action trusts and registered social landlords to prepare and publish a policy in relation to antisocial behaviour (ASB) and procedures for dealing with occurrences of ASB, and to review those documents as appropriate.

In March 2014, the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 received Royal Assent and came into full effect on 20 October 2014 (civil injunctions - Part 1 of the Act - came into force on 23 March 2015).

The 2014 Act introduces a number of new powers to put victims first, which includes the Community trigger.

The 2014 Act also simplifies existing ASB powers, reducing them from 19 down to 6. Local authorities now have a wide range of powers to tackle ASB, including the civil injunction, the Community Protection Notice, the Public Spaces Protection Order and the absolute ground for possession.

The following service standards, policy and procedures documents have been revised and include these new powers:

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