Community trigger

The community trigger, also known as the ASB case review, allows victims of antisocial behaviour (ASB) of any age to ask for a review of their case.

This might be because they feel that either no action or inadequate action has taken place to tackle the reported problem. The process can be used by an individual, a business or a community group.

It's not a complaints procedure. It's a way to ask agencies to review what action they took, or could have taken, to ensure the reported ASB was addressed adequately.

It can be used by a victim of ASB or any person acting on their behalf, as long as they have the victim’s consent.

An application can only be made when three qualifying complaints of ASB have been made within a six-month period. This is called the threshold.

To prevent applications regarding historical incidents, the complaint of ASB must have been reported within one month of it taking place. The application must be made within six months of the original report of ASB.


Community trigger online application form

Complete our online application form to request a review.

You can also contact us by email or phone, or write to Community Safety, Cambridge City Council, PO Box 700, Cambridge CB1 0JH.


Although the Home Office has provided overall guidance concerning ASB case reviews, the local guidance for Cambridge is set out below:

Once the application form has been received and checked, it will be acknowledged in writing within two working days of its receipt.

We will then look at the application to see whether or not it meets the threshold, and consider any further information provided. This might include the persistence of the antisocial behaviour, the harm caused (or potential harm caused) by it, or the adequacy of the response.

If the application meets the threshold, we will arrange for the case to be reviewed by our Problem Solving Group (PSG). The group meets monthly to discuss multi-agency solutions to ASB cases. It includes representatives from the city council, the police, health and providers of social housing. We will advise, in writing, when the application will be reviewed by the PSG.

If the application does not meet the threshold, we will offer the chance to appeal that decision.

We will confirm the decision either way, in writing, within five working days of its receipt.

Problem Solving Group review

The Problem Solving Group (PSG) will review what happened and what actions to remedy the antisocial behaviour (ASB) were taken. It will consider whether those actions were reasonable and appropriate, and decide if any further action can still be taken to resolve the ASB. It will then draw up an action plan. This will detail what action will be taken and the timescale for completion of those actions. We will advise, in writing, what the contents of the action plan are within four working days of the PSG meeting.

When all the tasks within the action plan have been completed, we will confirm this in writing, and the review will be closed. In some circumstances, you may feel that the action taken still has not addressed the problem and wish to appeal the review. The letter closing the review will detail the procedure.


Appeals against decisions to reject an application on the grounds that the threshold was not met are considered by a Community Trigger Panel. Appeals against decisions to close a review following completion of the action plan are considered by the Cambridge Community Safety Partnership.

Both bodies will have access to all the relevant information to make an informed decision. If they disagree with the relevant decisions, they will ask the Problem Solving Group to review the case or action plan. If, however, they agree with the decision to reject the application or close the review, the matter will be closed. The decision of the relevant bodies is final.

We aim to confirm the decision of the appeal, either way, within four working days of an appeal being lodged.

Statistical information

The Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 requires us to publish information about the community trigger.

  • Case review applications: The number of applications for ASB case reviews made to those bodies
  • Threshold not met: The number of times those bodies decided that the threshold for a review was not met
  • Reviews carried out: The number of ASB case reviews those bodies have carried out
  • Recommendations made: The number of ASB case reviews carried out by those bodies that have resulted in recommendations being made
Community trigger statistics
Year Case review applications Threshold not met Reviews carried out Recommendations made
2014/15 2 1 1 1
2015/16 0 0 0 0
2016/17 1 0 1 1
2017/18 1 1 1 1
2018/19 0 0 0 0
2019/20 1 1 0 0
2020/21 2 2 0 0
2021/22 2 0 2 1
2022/23 1 0 1 1
2023/24 4 2 2 2

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