Planning Compliance Service privacy notice

Who we are

This privacy notice explains how the Greater Cambridge Planning Service uses information in the course of investigating breaches of planning regulations on behalf of Cambridge City and South Cambridgeshire Councils.

Why do we require this personal information?

We require your information to confirm the validity of complaints and assess the harm of reported breaches in planning regulation.

Please note we will not investigate anonymous complaints, and your personal information will be kept confidential unless there is a formal reason for disclosure in which case we will inform you of our intention before disclosure.

What we do with this information

This information will be used by Cambridge City and South Cambridgeshire District Councils to register your complaints of planning breaches and correspond with you regarding our investigations. This function is known as a “public task” and is why we do not need you to “opt in” to allow this information to be used.

We may process the information you provide to prevent and detect fraud in any of our systems and may supply information to government agencies, credit reference agencies, audit or other external bodies for such purposes. We participate in the governments National Fraud Initiative.

As we process this information as a statutory duty you hold the following rights with regard to the personal data provided to us when making comments:

  • Right to Access – you have the right to access (receive a copy) of your personal data and supplementary information
  • Right to Rectification – you have the right to have any inaccurate or incomplete personal data rectified
  • Right to Restriction – you have the right to request a restriction of the processing of your personal data in situations where it is inaccurate, unlawful, and no longer needed for the purposes for which it was originally collected, or if a withdrawal of consent has been made

How we share this information

We do not sell or provide your information to other organisations. We do not move your information beyond the UK. We do not use your information for automated decision making

We may share your information with other departments of the relevant authority, the police or the Courts during the process of the investigation.

Retention (‘how long we keep your information for’)

A record of your complaint will be held in our system for six years from date of the case resolution.

Only information on the property or land in question to the Case and any subsequent Notices Served will be kept permanently to form the Enforcement Register.   


Complaints and problems

You can find out more about how we handle data by reading our privacy notice and South Cambridgeshire District Council's privacy notice.

Contact us if you think we have got something wrong or if you are concerned with the way we are handling your data.

If you have a query regarding your rights please contact the Data Protection Officer by email

If we fail to respond properly you can direct your concerns to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).

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