We are committed to being open about how we work, our decision-making processes and the services we provide.
The local government transparency code requires us to publish certain information. We also use feedback and common freedom of information requests to identify other data to publish.
The datasets on this page are published under the Open Government Licence. You can use them for any purposes, including for commercial and research activities.
Where possible, we publish data in two formats:
- a ‘human-readable’ format, such as PDF
- a ‘machine-readable’ format that does not need any specific software, such as CSV or XML
- Our constitution is available to view or download
Employee data on 1 April of each year
Council structure
Details of staff in the top three levels of the organisation.
- Council structure: 1 April 2024 [PDF, 0.2MB]
- Council structure: 1 April 2023 [PDF, 0.3MB]
- Council structure: 1 April 2022 [PDF, 0.1MB]
Read about the council to see our latest structure chart.
Senior employees
Number of employees with a remuneration of at least £50,000.
Senior employee salaries
Details of remuneration for staff earning £50,000 or more.
Pay multiple
Ratio of the highest-paid post and the average salary.
Trade union facility time
Trade unions represented in the local authority and staff representatives.
We are committed to providing apprenticeship opportunities for new and existing employees. Our apprenticeship scheme can help people to take their first steps into local government, learn new skills and gain accredited qualifications while earning a salary. Our apprenticeships also support existing employees to develop new skills and to progress their careers.
- We employed 19 apprentices as of 31 March 2024.
- We had eight apprenticeship enrolments between 1 April 2023 and 31 March 2024, which equates to 0.9% of all employees.
- 2.2% of council employees were on apprenticeship programmes during this period.
- payments over £500 – all invoices paid to our suppliers of £500 or more [PDF and CSV]
- procurement card transactions – transactions made on government procurement cards [PDF and CSV]
Contracts and procurement [CSV, 74Kb]
- Contracts register [CSV, 63Kb]
- Upcoming procurement pipeline [CSV, 10Kb]
- Invitations to tender and contracts – Search the LGSS procurement portal for ‘Cambridgeshire District Councils’
Car parks
Parking enforcement
Parking enforcement in council run off-street parking sites is carried out by Cambridgeshire County Council. This dataset provides details of the number of penalty charge notices (PCN) issued in our car parks.
Parking spaces
We provide 3,688 off-street parking spaces, including:
- 3,359 standard parking spaces
- 9 car club parking spaces
- 149 disabled parking spaces
- 88 electric-charging parking spaces
- 70 parent-and-child parking spaces
- 10 Shopmobility parking spaces
Cambridgeshire County Council manages on-street parking in the city.
Spaces at our multi-storey car parks
Car park | Grafton East car park | Grafton West car park | Grand Arcade car park | Park Street car park | Queen Anne Terrace car park |
Standard spaces | 820 | 272 | 902 | 185 | 522 |
Disabled spaces | 48 | 6 | 35 | 16 | 15 |
Electric charging spaces | 2 | 0 | 0 | 21 + 2 in disabled bays | 2 |
Parent and child spaces | 2 | 4 | 12 | 0 | 34 |
Shopmobility spaces | 0 | 0 | 10 | 0 | 0 |
Total spaces | 890 | 282 | 959 | 222 | 573 |
Spaces at our other paid car parks
Car park | Adam and Eve Street car park | Castle Hill car park | Gwydir Street car park | Lammas Land car park | Riverside car park |
Standard spaces | 18 | 82 | 21 | 75 | 10 |
Disabled spaces | 4 | 4 | 1 | 4 | 0 |
Electric charging spaces | 15 | 25 | 16 | 0 | 0 |
Car Club spaces | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
Total spaces | 37 | 111 | 38 | 79 | 11 |
Spaces at our free car parks
Car park | Arbury Court car park | Campkin Road car park | Great Eastern Street car park | Gwydir Street craft workshop entrance | Petworth Street car park | Sleaford Street car park | Residential and commercial estates |
Standard spaces | 71 | 35 | 15 | 8 | 9 | 5 | 502 |
Disabled spaces | 10 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 20 |
Electric charging spaces | 12 | 12 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 2 |
Car Club spaces | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 |
Total spaces | 94 | 50 | 18 | 9 | 10 | 6 | 526 |
Grants to voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations
Area Committee Grants
Community Grants
Focus on Abbey Grants
Homelessness Prevention Grants
Sustainable City Grants
United with Ukraine Grants
Land and building assets
Land and buildings that form part of our fixed assets.
Social housing asset value
Value of social housing stock held in our Housing Revenue Account.
Brownfield sites
The brownfield land register provides details on sites that the local planning authority considers to be appropriate for future residential development. It allows potential developers to easily identify the land within the city that is readily developable.
Dataset | 2021/22 | 2022/23 | 2023/24 |
Number of occasions we used our powers under the Prevention of Social Housing Fraud (Power to Require Information) (England) Regulations 2014 | 1 | 5 | 3 |
Number of employees undertaking investigations and prosecutions of fraud | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Number of employees undertaking investigations and prosecutions of fraud (full-time equivalent) | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Number of professionally accredited counter fraud specialists | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Number of professionally accredited counter fraud specialists (full-time equivalent) | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Total amount spent on the investigation and prosecution of fraud | £45,614.03 | £48,228.15 | £51,367.22 |
Total number of fraud cases investigated | 11 | 47 | 56 |
Total number of occasions on which fraud was identified | 2 | 3 | 4 |
Total monetary value of the fraud that was detected | £1,767.22 | £54,000 | £72,000 |
Total monetary value of the fraud that was recovered | n/a | n/a | n/a |
Total number of cases of irregularity investigated | n/a | n/a | n/a |
Total number of occasions on which irregularity was identified | 9 | 18 | 16 |
Total monetary value of the irregularity that was detected | £82,328.72 | £112,128 | £162,000 |
Total monetary value of the irregularity that was recovered | n/a | n/a | n/a |
Waste and recycling
Waste contracts: We don't have a contract for waste collection.
- Waste recycling and disposal [link to WasteDataFlow] – can be exported as CSV; requires registration
Datasets derived from FOI requests
These datasets are published in response to information frequently requested under the Freedom of Information Act. Datasets are updated on a quarterly basis unless otherwise stated. A schema is published alongside each dataset, this sets out field name and field type for each column of data as well as giving a description of the information it holds.
National assisted funerals
Details of funerals arranged by us following the death of an individual intestate and with no next of kin. We will not disclose address and date of birth details, which we believe are exempt from disclosure. In the cases of a referral of an estate to the Treasury Solicitor's Office, details are available from the unclaimed asset list.
Car park income
The number of parking tickets purchased and ticket income for our car parks.
Car park | Tickets purchased 2022/23 | Ticket income 2022/23 | Tickets purchased 2023/24 | Ticket income 2023/24 |
Adam and Eve Street car park | 46,108 | £124,303 | 32,039 | £95,626 |
Castle Hill car park | 46,594 | £158,792 | 48,565 | £156,122 |
Grafton East car park | 337,109 | £1,596,983 | 311,050 | £1,425,014 |
Grafton West car park | 244,922 | £972,390 | 242,118 | £984,174 |
Grand Arcade car park | 911,152 | £5,117,753 | 970,504 | £5,107,785 |
Gwydir Street car park | 37,430 | £59,553 | 33,438 | £62,980 |
Lammas Land car park | 36,770 | £115,629 | 34,016 | £106,389 |
Park Street car park | 0 | £0 | 0 | £0 |
Queen Anne Terrace car park | 275,664 | £1,309,118 | 294,958 | £1,182,464 |
Riverside car park | 2,004 | £6,834 | 1,555 | £5,526 |
Total | 1,937,753 | £9,461,355 | 1,968,243 | £9,126,080 |
Transparency – other information
- Committee meetings minutes and agendas
- Consultations
- Council policies, plans and strategies
- Councillors - contact details, allowances and expenses [available as PDF and CSV]
- Election results
- Freedom of information disclosure log of all FOI responses
- Job vacancies
- Licensing
- Performance and spending
- Planning applications