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Cambridge City Council

Procurement card spend

Each file on this page shows all procurement card spend to suppliers (including VAT) in a given month. Data are provided in both CSV format, so they can be easily manipulated, and as a PDF.

Contact us to find more about any individual transaction – email quoting the relevant transaction number.

We will make every effort to respond quickly. Complex enquiries might be treated as freedom of information requests and be subject to the specified timescales.

Provision of personal data to the Audit Commission

We are required by law to protect the public funds that we administer. To do this we sometimes need to share your personal data with the bodies who audit or administer those funds. This helps us prevent and detect fraud.

The Audit Commission requires us to participate in the National Fraud Initiative (NFI). This is a data-matching exercise that helps prevent and detect fraud against ourselves and other public-sector organisations. We regularly provide particular sets of data to the Audit Commission for this purpose.

Find out more about data protection.








For questions about a service we provide, please use our contact us form