Councillors' duties, conduct and allowances

The council is made up of 42 locally elected councillors, representing 14 wards across the city. They make decisions on how to improve local services on behalf of local people.

The way in which councillors make decisions is informed by the ideas of the political parties they represent.

The composition of the city council is outlined on our control of the council page.

Each councillor normally serves four years in office. A mayor and a deputy mayor are chosen each year from among the 42 councillors.

Each of the 14 city council wards is also represented by a county councillor on Cambridgeshire County Council.

How a councillor will use your data

Councillors will sometimes work with personal information held by us as part of their role undertaking council business.

They might also hold and process information in their own right as a ward councillor. This might happen if you ask a councillor to investigate an issue, as opposed to asking us.

This privacy notice, written from the perspective of and on behalf of your councillor, details how they will individually handle your personal data in this instance.


Councillors have a number of roles and responsibilities [PDF, 0.2MB] and participate in a variety of scrutiny, regulatory and area committees. Find out more in the committee meetings section.

Conduct, interests, gifts and hospitality

Councillors are required to comply with a code of conduct [PDF, 0.2MB]. This also explains which interests they should register and any gifts and hospitality received.

Each Cambridge City councillor's entry on the register is available on the councillors' details page.

You can inspect the register by appointment. Contact the committee administrator at or 01223 457013 to arrange an appointment.

Councillor allowances

Councillors are not paid a salary but receive allowances, provided under law and recommended by an independent panel. The current scheme is available below, along with reports of allowances paid to councillors in recent years.

Councillor leave policy

Car park passes

Councillors are entitled to a car park pass.

Councillors with car park passes

As of May 2024, the following councillors hold car park passes:

  • Cllr Mark Ashton
  • Cllr Dave Baigent
  • Cllr Naomi Bennett
  • Cllr Gerri Bird
  • Cllr Hugh Clough
  • Cllr Iva Divkovic
  • Cllr Robert Dryden
  • Cllr Ingrid Flaubert
  • Cllr Jenny Gawthrope Wood
  • Cllr Alice Gilderdale
  • Cllr Olaf Hauk
  • Cllr Russ McPherson
  • Cllr Rosy Moore
  • Cllr Cheney Payne
  • Cllr Richard Robertson
  • Cllr Anna Smith
  • Cllr Simon Smith
  • Cllr Baiju Thittala Varkey
  • Cllr Mike Todd-Jones
  • Cllr Katie Thornburrow

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