Enabling Active Communities grants

Non-profit organisations can apply for up to £500 to fund sport, dance or physical-activity sessions.

The sessions must take place in Cambridge. They must benefit the health and wellbeing of the local community.

You can use the grant to support existing activities or to set up new ones. You can use it to pay for:

  • hiring a venue
  • paying the coach or instructor
  • buying equipment

You cannot use the grant to pay for one-off activities or day trips.

To qualify for a grant, you must have:

  • an insurance policy and risk assessment
  • a bank account in your group or organisation’s name
  • appropriate qualifications to deliver the sessions
  • a safeguarding policy if young people aged under 18 can attend the sessions
  • a vulnerable-adults policy if older or vulnerable adults can attend the sessions

Examples of groups that can apply for the grant include:

  • faith groups
  • Girlguiding or Scouts groups
  • minority ethnic groups
  • resident groups
  • support groups
  • youth clubs

The closing date for applications for the 2025/26 grant is 15 March 2025.

Apply for an Enabling Active Communities grant

If your application is successful, we will contact you by email within one month. We will ask you to complete a short evaluation survey six months after you receive the grant.

You can only apply for one grant in any 12-month period.

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