Disabled Facilities Grant

Disabled Facilities Grants are available to carry out adaptation works that will help a disabled person remain living independently in their own home.

The grants are administered by the Cambridgeshire Home Improvement Agency.

You can apply if you are:

  • a private tenant or owner of a property
  • a landlord on behalf of a disabled tenant
  • housing association tenant

Council tenants need to be assessed by a Community Occupational Therapist before we can help you further - phone 0345 045 5202 to arrange this.

Council tenants can apply for a Disabled Facilities Grant but this is unusual as the housing department usually manages these directly and has to fund them from another budget. 

Applicants must sign a certificate of ownership or tenancy stating that they intend to occupy the home being adapted for at least five years.

Eligible work

Grants are awarded for essential adaptations to allow a disabled person better freedom of movement around their home.

Eligible works are assessed by an Occupational Therapist and include but not limited to:

  • widening doors or installing ramps
  • installing a stair lift or door entry system
  • providing an adapted bathroom or kitchen
  • improving or installing a suitable heating system

We have to ensure that the work is necessary, appropriate, reasonable, practicable and feasible.

Available funding

The maximum amount available as a Disabled Facilities Grant is £30,000.

The grant is means tested to ensure that those in most need get help, unless the grant is for a disabled child.

The means test will assess the income and savings of the disabled person and their spouse or partner. You may be required to make a contribution towards the adaptation costs.

Further funding may be available if the costs of works will be more than £30,000. This may be awarded as a grant or a loan.


Contact us to request an application form.

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