Community grants for arts and culture

Our Community Grants programme funds projects that will help to reduce social or economic inequality.

One way you could do this is by helping residents in the most need access arts and cultural activities.

Activities must achieve one or more of the following strategic outcomes:

  • Improved health and wellbeing
  • Communities come together to bring about change
  • More people have better opportunities to gain employment
  • A stronger voluntary sector in the city

Projects we have recently supported with grants include:

  • Cambridge Community Arts: The grant funded workshops and courses for people who work in community arts for health. Created in partnership with Cambridge Ethnic Community Forum
  • Cambridge Film Trust: The grant funded three free film screenings for community audiences. It also funded training for volunteers to show more films using the trust’s equipment
  • Rowan Humberstone: The grant funded two theatrical and two musical performances. It also funded workshops created by learning-disabled participants, to raise awareness and respect for disability
  • New International Encounter: The grant funded a story-telling project for young people in Trumpington and Cherry Hinton. It concluded with a performance for the participants and the local community
  • Arts and Minds: The grant funded forty visual-arts workshops for adults experiencing mental-health issues. It also funded a public exhibition, hosted in partnership with Cambridge University Museums

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