Our role for arts and culture

The arts, in all their forms, are a powerful tool for helping us to achieve our goals for the city.

Our role is to support and enable arts and cultural activity across Cambridge, for the benefit of the whole city and all its residents.  Our approach is underpinned by our vision (“One Cambridge - fair for all”) in which economic dynamism and prosperity are combined with social justice and equality and Inspiring Cambridge.

Inspiring Cambridge is a shared collective vision for the city developed by the Cambridge Arts and Cultural Leaders, a group of major arts organisations including this council, which aims to:

  • connect the whole community through arts and culture;
  • exploit our cultural assets to develop a world-leading cultural education offer;
  • contribute to sustainable growth;
  • develop further a creative, welcoming, accessible city with an excellent cultural offer.

We use three key mechanisms to carry out our role:

Our delivery framework sets out in more detail the parameters for each element, followed by an action plan for 2015-16.  

Read our arts plan framework and delivery action plan [PDF, 109kB] [PDF, 0.3MB]

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