Environmental Improvement Programme

Our Environmental Improvement Programme (EIP) funds and delivers small-scale projects that make a lasting and noticeable improvement to the city and local areas.

Projects have improved parks and recreation grounds, as well as landscaped areas and roadside verges. We have also added and improved fencing, wildflower areas, gates, benches, street trees, wayfinding lighting and notice boards.

Anybody can suggest a project or help us decide which ones to fund by liking or commenting on ideas.

Our engagement platform allows residents to suggest project ideas and have their say on others. In 2023 we used a combination of the engagement platform and the more traditional application method.

The application process is now closed until it is run again, possibly in 2025.

The programme has run annually since 2004. We review it regularly to ensure it is providing value to Cambridge and our communities. We last reviewed it in 2022.

If your project isn’t eligible for funding by the EIP, you could investigate S106 funding or other grants and funding.

Funding types

The amount of local area and strategic funding available is limited. It’s not usually possible to fund all proposed projects in any given year.

Local Area funding

Local Area funding provides our four area committees with a capital budget in proportion to the size of its populations.

The committees consider which projects in their area they recommend for funding, up to a project value of £5,000 or £10,000 if strongly supported.

Committees may be influenced by residents’ support for local Environmental Improvement Programme projects, in their areas on the engagement platform.

Strategic funding

Strategic funding focuses on one key objective that fits with our corporate priorities. For the 2023 bidding round, this objective was improving biodiversity.

The strategic funding is generally for bids over £10,000 and up to £20,000 for projects with strong local support.

Projects agreed in 2024

Since the funding round closed in August 2023, area committees have considered projects and ideas. The Executive Councillor for Open Spaces and City Services has considered the committees’ recommendations.

We have informed everybody who proposed a project of the councillor’s decision on whether to fund each one.

Anticipated delivery dates for each project are listed below where they have been agreed.

East area

Rainwater collection for Millennium Gardens, Petersfield

Harness and recycle surface water discharge from council owned building and store for community usage.

Creating spaces to meet on Coleridge recreation ground

Picnic benches and cycle racks to be installed.

Rawlyn Corner bench

Install a bench.

Planting around Equiano Bridge

Plant pollinators in containers near the footings of the Equiano Bridge.

Extend the successful ‘Green the Streets’ scheme in Petersfield ward

Builds on the already successful scheme through promotion of window boxes and hanging baskets. Focusing on Perowne Street, Convent Garden, Mill Street, Cross Street and the Mill Rodd ends of Mawson Road and Glisson Road.

  • Anticipated delivery date: summer or autumn 2024

Blind corner safety measures

Safety measures at the north entrance to the Mill Road Cemetery passageway.

Community noticeboard near Mill Road Community Centre

Community noticeboard near the new Mill Road Community Centre on the Ironworks site.

Riverside shrub bed planting

Renew planting beds including the one that runs along River Lane and at the junction of Beche Road and Abbey Road.

Aberdeen Avenue garden, Accordia, or similar location

Replanting of dead hedge species. A practical solution to enable collection of water to enable watering of the hedge can be investigated. If a longer-term solution to water scarcity can be found, this could be funded.

Install bench in front of St Thomas Hall

Install bench to encourage community cohesion.

Community noticeboards in Romsey

Install two community information noticeboards near the Co-op and on Romsey recreation ground.

North area

A second wildflower meadow in Five Trees, off Fen Road

A second wildflower meadow and two benches in the green space.

Support Mayfield School to increase biodiversity and habitat for pollinators

Replacing the current raised beds and planting a wide range of shrubs and wildflowers to maximise biodiversity and provide a natural habitat for pollinating insects.

Water Street preservation plan

Restoring and managing bug hotels, creating wildlife corridors, plant wildflower meadow and promoting opportunities to engage with nature.

Boosting biodiversity in Happy Bee Streets

Happy Bee Streets – Ascham Road, Gurney Way and Atherton Close – is to provide an abundance and succession of food sources for pollinating insects.

Raised beds on Hazelwood Close

Raised beds on the patch of grass where Hazelwood Close meets Molewood Close, so we could fill them with shade-loving plants.

Ramsden Square recreation ground biodiversity improvement

Improve biodiversity of the immediate and wider area. Plant four deciduous trees on Ramsden Square recreation ground, two each on the northeast and southwest corners.

Improve biodiversity and safety at Chesterton recreation ground

To improve safety for children and dogs at Chesterton recreation ground, at the entrance nearest to the roundabout.

Protection of grassy areas and biodiversity increase on Rutland Close

To implement improvements to increase biodiversity on the green space and protect the grass and trees from compaction caused by vehicles accessing the site.

Building biodiversity at Alexandra Gardens

To improve the biodiversity and amenity through a variety of biodiversity measures developed in consultation with local residents, such as wildflower mounds, wooden insect habitats, and bird and bat boxes.

South area

Improvement to Cherry Hinton recreation ground by adding picnic benches

Installation of picnic benches near to the skatepark and children’s play area.

Reclaiming green space in Cherry Hinton through tree planting

Plant new trees and bushes along the verges on Church End and Rosemary Lane.

Benches for Wulfstan Way

Install three or four benches along Wulfstan Way.

Community development opportunities at Clay Farm Community Garden

Install two or three benches, following consultation with the Friends of the Community Garden.

Growing Nightingale garden community by increasing biodiversity and engagement

A series of improvements that promote biodiversity.

West/ Central area

Protect a beautiful ancient willow and help biodiversity recover

Measures to protect the tree and promote biodiversity.

  • Anticipated delivery date: autumn 2024

Histon Road recreation ground biodiversity improvements

Making the most of the trees, bushes and shrubs for promotion of wildlife by renewing and adding additional bird and bat boxes, creating areas of more appropriate meadow via native perennial turf meadow.

Biodiversity in Ascension parish burial ground

Creation of a small pond to protect species that suffer during drought. Also, installing bird boxes, a paved area in front of community information boards, ‘Sheffield hoop bicycle stands, general purpose tools and fitting of dowels to gravestones for public safety.

Creation of a biodiversity hub at St Clement’s Church in central Cambridge

Creating a ‘biodiversity hub’ in the churchyard, to promote local interest in the churchyard ecosystem and provide resources such as plants and seeds to give to local residents to enrich their gardens.

Strategic projects

Increase biodiversity and tree cover on Cherry Hinton Road

Cherry Hinton Road towards town though a hardlandscape is a wide carriageway mainly devoid of trees. Following identification of suitable locations, it might be possible to plant three trees in engineered tree pits.

Biodiversity improvements on St Alban’s recreation ground

Promote biodiversity around the edges of the recreational space, in an area not used for sport.

  • Anticipated delivery date: autumn or early winter 2024

Biodiversity improvements on Arbury town park

Promote biodiversity around the edges of the recreational space.

  • Anticipated delivery date: autumn or early winter 2024

‘Hedges for King’s Hedges’ – for biodiversity and people-friendly spaces

Planting of hedgerows to bolster established ones and create new ones to promote biodiversity across the ward.

Greening Gilbert Road through tree planting

Planting one or two trees, with requisite tree pit infrastructure in this hardlandscape area.

Projects from previous bidding rounds

East area

Birdwood Road bus shelter

Provision of new bus shelter. Subject to review of benefits.

  • Status and anticipated delivery date: Project confirmed as undeliverable in October 2023

Petersfield ward streets window boxes

Scheme to offer window boxes to residences north of Mill Road to help soften hard landscaped street-scenes.

  • Status and anticipated delivery date: Successfully being implemented, ongoing into second phase. Potential to carry over into third phase with new streets

North Petersfield noticeboards

Addition of five new noticeboards.

  • Status and anticipated delivery date: Completed in March 2023

St Matthew's Piece - Improving Biodiversity

Biodiversity improvements identified through management plan.

The friends of St Matthew's Piece meeting on 12 September 2023 noted that the draft management plan had never been finalised or approved. New biodiversity plan needs to be brought forward by friends of St Matthew's Piece, as well as which elements the £10,000 agreed funding can pay for.

  • Status and anticipated delivery date: If biodiversity actions can be agreed, likely delivery would be Autumn 2024

Gwydir Street Seating

Install two benches.

  • Status and anticipated delivery date: Awaiting response from applicant. The two potential locations are not advisable due to tree and possible anti-social behaviour issues

Increasing biodiversity on Sedgwick Street

Install window plant boxes.

  • Status and anticipated delivery date: Window boxes element of the project being successfully implemented, with potential for phase 2 being explored (2024/25)

Improving biodiversity - East Road Housing Area

Wildflower/grasses to be planted in public space.

  • Status and anticipated delivery date: Expected delivery in early 2024 due to lack of volunteer availability for planting

Biodiversity and social interaction improvements - Maple Tree Area and St Matthews Street

Enhance greenspace around Maple Tree.

  • Status and anticipated delivery date: Agreement on works due to be implemented by April 2024

Increase biodiversity and public wellbeing on Barnwell Road

To enhance key wildlife corridor and integrate with Rayson Way community art area.

  • Status and anticipated delivery date: Elements of wider matched funded work and project completed September 2023

Increase biodiversity in Headly Street and Eagle Street with planting

Project manager engaged with applicants and residents to develop an active group to manage the planting and initiate a proposal in advance of agreements being resolved between Cambridge City Council and the developer.

  • Status and anticipated delivery date: Residents engaged but unable to deliver until Cambridge City Council and developer agree land transfer

Making Rustat Road/Corrie Road cut through and green space safer

Cut back vegetation and improve lighting on cut through footpath.

  • Status and anticipated delivery date: Project completed in August 2023

A memorial to a forgotten abolitionist

To commemorate an abolitionist on a piece of greenspace in front of a new development, in order to bring a more positive balance to the city's positive contributions to history.

  • Status and anticipated delivery date: Wording agreed and information lectern to be erected in greenspace by end of 2023

Two bench seats for Petersfield Green

Two new bench seats on Petersfield Green.

  • Status and anticipated delivery date: Completed in May 2023

Picnic benches on Romsey recreation ground

Provision of four or more picnic benches.

  • Status and anticipated delivery date: Locations agreed and marked out with councillors. Benches have been delivered. Installation to be completed in October 2023

Community bench and biodiversity in Jack Warren Green

Benches and wildflower/grass enhancements.

  • Status and anticipated delivery date: Consultation complete, meadow areas prepared for sowing. Completion expected by end of 2023

Wildflowers on the corner of Rawlyn Road/Stanesfield Road

Plant tree(s) and wildflower meadow on corner green space. Annual meadow seeds are being sown in mid-October.

  • Status and anticipated delivery date: Substantially completed in June 2023

Improve tree cover in Hobart Road

To plant several trees in former tree pits or greenspace.

  • Status and anticipated delivery date: Consultation during October. Delivery expected in early 2024

Wildflower and/or bulbs along the outside of the Coleridge recreation ground fence planting

Wildflower and bulbs to be planted. Consultation complete. Tweaks being made with advice from Biodiversity Officer following some concerns about the proposal. Awaiting councillor support for amended proposal.

  • Status and anticipated delivery date: Consultation during October. Delivery expected in October/November 2023

A community garden on Peverel Road

Greenspace between 40 and 60 Peverel Road to be improved to reduce impact of vehicular damage.

  • Status and anticipated delivery date: Proposal being developed with Biodiversity and Tree Officers following meeting with applicant and residents

North area

Campkin Road shops

Soft landscaping on the shop forecourt fronting Campkin Road. Design work completed, ready for market pricing.

  • Status and anticipated delivery date: Project in consultation with ward council for delivery, latest Spring 2024

Hurst Park estate - Community notice board

Additional community notice board – Options under consideration by residents’ association.

  • Status and anticipated delivery date: Expected completion in late October/November 2023. Noticeboard received and location agreed

Logan’s Meadow noticeboard improvement

Install noticeboard and leaflet boxes across site.

  • Status and anticipated delivery date: Completed in September 2023

Jubilee Gardens - Establishing the space as a Green Asset through the installation of additional benches

Installing two additional benches.

  • Status and anticipated delivery date: Completed in July 2023

Hazelwood Close - Seating installation

To install a bench on greenspace.

  • Status and anticipated delivery date: Following consultation feedback, the recommendation was not to proceed. Awaiting meeting on site with councillors

Biodiversity and social interaction improvements to Green End Road Park

Install benches and biodiversity improvements to greenspace.

  • Status and anticipated delivery date: Officer resource for project to programme in initiation Spring 2024

Community noticeboard Mayfield area

Install community noticeboard.

  • Status and anticipated delivery date: Completed in July 2023

Bee Balconies - Pollinator-friendly planting for flats

Considering and developing vertical pollinator corridor solutions. Project feasibility and whether it is practicable being worked up with applicant and On The Verge.

  • Status and anticipated delivery date: Officer to resource project further in 2024

Restore benches at the 'Cyclops' junction on Histon Road

Reinstall bench lost due to junction works.

  • Status and anticipated delivery date: Expected completion in Winter 2023/24

Community planting on Campkin Road

Tied in with planting plan for Campkin Road shops project.

  • Status and anticipated delivery date: Spring 2024. See Campkin Rd Shops

Community Planting on Minerva Way/Kings Hedges recreation ground

Small community spaces to be developed to encourage pollinators, community gardens and food growing space.

  • Status and anticipated delivery date: Officer to resource project in 2024

Making the most of small spaces in King’s Hedges

Small community spaces to be developed to encourage pollinators, community gardens and food growing space.

  • Status and anticipated delivery date: Officer to resource project in 2024

Create a community haven on Green End Road, East Chesterton

Landscaping to promote biodiversity around the Methodist Church and proposed community cafe.

  • Status and anticipated delivery date: Awaiting landscape plan from Groundwork and Church wider project lead. Expected to be completed in Spring 2024

Benches - Scotland Road recreation ground

Additional benches.

  • Status and anticipated delivery date: Officer to resource project in 2024

Moving Forward – Arbury Court Community Garden Project

Installation of raised flower beds on the large green space outside Budgens.

  • Status and anticipated delivery date: Partially delivered in July 2023, to be completed in 2024

South area

Cavendish Avenue

Road narrowing build – out.  Subject to agreement on increased budget. Highways Authority have implemented parking management measures. Little scope to achieve benefits.

  • Status and anticipated delivery date: Under review

Trumpington fringes bus stops

Hard standing bus stops. Subject to review of benefits/viability.

  • Status and anticipated delivery date: Spring 2024

Installation of drinking fountains - Hobsons Square, Trumpington

Drinking fountains to be installed near the Clay Farm Centre.

  • Status and anticipated delivery date: Several solutions progressing, to be completed by early 2024

Safe Access and entry to a LEAP

To create safer access in and out of the greenspace along the commuter route of Proctor Drive.

  • Status and anticipated delivery date: Completed in March 2023

Reduce yearly Christmas tree cutting and disposal by installing lights in tree

Tree in front of Wulfstan Way shops.

  • Status and anticipated delivery date: Contractor appointed, order raised and work completed in October 2023

Information Board Cherry Hinton recreation ground

Information board/lectern on why the recreation ground was so designated.

  • Status and anticipated delivery date: Spring 2024

West/Central area

Clivedon Close bench and landscaping

Awaiting replacement tree prior to install of bench.

  • Status and anticipated delivery date: Spring 2024

Histon Road shops bench

Install bench – Limited space, private land, review of viability required.

  • Status and anticipated delivery date: Project abandoned undeliverable

Histon Road recreation ground improvements

Picnic benches and cycle racks.

  • Status and anticipated delivery date: Winter 2023/24

Adam and Eve Street/Paradise Street corner environmental enhancement

Landscaping and biodiversity enhancements. Design and feasibility ongoing.

  • Status and anticipated delivery date: Autumn 2024. Officer to resource project in 2024

Sidney Street green landscaping

A further street tree and engineered tree planting and pit, linked with City Centre recovery work. Preparation and exploratory work for this project has started and will be ongoing over winter 2023.

  • Status and anticipated delivery date: Spring 2024

Planting to screen Lammas Land from traffic and reduce air pollution in the park

Biodiversity team developing plan and specification for implementation.

  • Status and anticipated delivery date: Spring 2024

Improvements to shared use paths on Midsummer Common

Signs and locations agreed – awaiting installation.

  • Status and anticipated delivery date: Completed in October 2023

Strategic projects

Thorleye Road, Stanesfield Road and Whitehill Road corners landscaping/biodiversity

Biodiversity Improvements.

  • Status and anticipated delivery date: Spring 2024

Whitehill Road verge protection

Verge protection and biodiversity improvements.

  • Status and anticipated delivery date: Completed in February 2023

Coleridge street tree and verge protection

Engineered tree planting and pits. Design underway.

  • Status and anticipated delivery date: Winter 2023/24

Gilbert Road - Reinstatement of grass verges

Reinstatement of verges with potential biodiversity enhancement.

  • Status and anticipated delivery date: Partially completed Autumn 2022. Awaiting confirmation of signage design from Biodiversity Officer for interpretation signage

Hurst Park estate - Verge protection

Options for traffic regulation – prohibit parking on verges etc. Consultation undertaken Summer 2022. Views unclear – review with Local Ward members. Traffic Regulation Order submitted to Cambridgeshire County Council.

  • Status and anticipated delivery date: Traffic Prevention Order to be agreed by end 2023. Implementation spring 2024

Anstey Way verge improvement

Enhancement of grass verge areas for biodiversity.

  • Status and anticipated delivery date: All works completed in Autumn 2022

Silver Street - River bridge streetscape enhancement

In conjunction with Silver Street toilets redevelopment.

  • Status and anticipated delivery date: Autumn/Winter 2024 (to coincide with expected construction of Silver Street toilets)

Programme of welcome and biodiversity signage for open spaces

Biodiversity Officers bringing this forward as a coordinated approach.

  • Status and anticipated delivery date: Early 2024

Improving Biodiversity on Carisbrooke Road's central greenspace

Substantial biodiversity Improvements.

  • Status and anticipated delivery date: Substantially completed works in June and September. To be completed by the end of 2023

Cambridge Market Place and surround public seating

Provision of seating for visitors – interlinked with City Centre Recovery.

  • Status and anticipated delivery date: Completed Summer 2023

Local highway improvement projects

If your proposed project is on the highway, it might be more applicable for a Local Highway Improvement project.

Local councillors, community groups and individuals can also apply for Cambridgeshire County Council Local Highway Improvement funding. The county council will provide up to £25,000 towards successful applications, with a minimum of 10% of the project cost either being met locally or by the city council where projects meet an agreed priority.

Successful projects will be those that both benefit the local community and help the county council manage its assets better. This might be done by improving signs, road markings and crossings, speed management measures or parking controls.

Applications for Local Highways Improvement projects should be sent directly to the county council. If we feel that an application to our EIP is ineligible, but suited to consideration as a Local Highway Improvement, we will let you know.

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