Speaking at planning or joint development control committees


You can make a statement on any planning application provided you have submitted a written representation to the planning department within the consultation period.

Your statement should be based on the issues raised in your written representation.

You may choose to circulate your written speaking notes, but will not be allowed to circulate additional information (including drawings or visual materials) that has not been verified by the planning department or is already on the public planning file.

Public speakers will be invited to speak after the planning officer has introduced the planning application.

Responses to statements at planning committees or joint development control committees

The chair will invite you to speak for up to three minutes. You should direct your statement to the chair and you will be alerted when three minutes has elapsed.

If more than one person wants to speak about the same application, you may be asked to choose someone to act as a spokesperson. This will be discussed with the committee manager beforehand.

When several people wish to speak about the same application but wish to raise different issues, the committee manager will liaise with the chair about the length of speaking time to be allocated.

Once all public speakers have spoken, the committee will discuss the application and take a vote to approve or refuse. You are not permitted to participate in this section of the meeting.

The following meetings could not be recorded due to technical issues:

  • Wednesday 18 September 2024: Joint development control committee
  • Thursday 19 September 2024: Planning committee

We apologise for any inconvenience caused.

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