Contact us

If you have a question about one of our services, look for the answer in the relevant section of the site. Use the site search or services A to Z to find what you are looking for.

There are many things that you can request, report or check online without needing to speak to us. If you see something that needs to be fixed, removed, or investigated, please report it to us using our online forms. 

If you cannot find what you want on the website, or want to talk to us, you’ll find appropriate contact details on each webpage.

We work with national and local organisations to deliver some of our services. Read about responsibilities of other organisations.

Find help

Council Tax

Changes in circumstance or applying for discounts or exemptions for Council Tax can be done online; so please choose from one of the following options to tell us about a change or to make an application.


Most benefits are now managed through Universal Credit. Our benefits webpage provides links to benefits services and advice on benefits.

Our benefits webpage explains what support is available as well as providing the links to enable you to apply. Information and links to apply for a council tax reduction can also be found on these pages.

If you do need to apply to Cambridge City Council for benefits, including council tax reduction, this can only be done online using the link highlighted above.

Housing repairs

Our housing repairs webpage allows you to request a repair, and also provides details about what repairs can be requested and how quickly they will be carried out. It also highlights what a tenant is responsible for and what the council is responsible for.

Waste, streets and parks

Environmental health


Do you want to make a complaint against a licensee? Here are the main licensing complaint links:


The Greater Cambridge Shared Planning service works on behalf of Cambridge City Council and South Cambridgeshire District Council.

Contact our customer service centre

If you cannot find the information you need on our website and you’re not sure which department you need to speak to, contact our customer service centre.


Contact us by telephone Monday to Friday, 9am to 5.15pm:

We record phone calls to make sure we’re giving you our best service – read our privacy notice for more information.


We can help you most quickly if you phone us, but if you prefer to email, we’ll do our best to respond within four working hours.

Customer service centre appointments

The centre is open for appointments only, from 9am to 5.15pm, Wednesday to Friday. 

Our customer service centre is located at Mandela House. Please contact us to make an appointment. 


If you can’t send documents to us online, our address is Cambridge City Council, PO Box 700, Cambridge CB1 0JH. Add the department or service name at the start if you know it.

Online form

Complete our general enquiry form to report something to us when there is no other way to do so.

General enquiry form

The form does not have a guaranteed response time and should only be used when there is no other way of reporting something to us. 

Media enquiries

If you are a member of the media and have an enquiry, contact us.


Outside of office hours (9am to 5.15pm Monday to Friday) and on public holidays, you can phone us in an emergency on 0300 303 8389.

An emergency might be finding broken glass or discarded needles on the street, a dangerous tree, or a stray dog.

If you’re a council tenant, an emergency might be unsafe electrics or loss of electricity, water, or gas. It could also be leaking water, a blocked drain or toilet (if there is no other toilet available), or an insecure lock.

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