Volunteer your time and earn time credits

The scheme is simple: for every hour you volunteer in your community, you will earn one time credit. Time credits can be exchanged for a variety of things, from exercise classes to cinema and theatre tickets.

Earn time credits

We offer the following opportunities to earn time credits. Contact details are provided so you can find out more.

If you decide to volunteer your time you will be expected to adhere to our volunteer policy, which will be explained during your induction.

Work with our community engagement team to help with outdoor work such as picking up litter, removing low-level graffiti, or improving open spaces.

Or volunteer at one of our local nature reserves where you will gain practical conservation training and undertake tasks such as clearing scrub, laying hedges and helping to manage woodland, grassland, ponds and reed beds.

Help us spread the word about recycling. You could help us run a stall at events, or by handing out leaflets, giving talks or writing articles.

If you are a city council tenant or leaseholder, you can earn time credits by helping to improve council housing services or supporting fellow tenants or leaseholders.

Help us make sure council homes and estates are kept in excellent condition by monitoring green spaces, communal areas and the repairs and maintenance work done to council estates.

Help other tenants and leaseholders to build confidence and improve digital skills. For example you could show them how to set up an email account, use a search engine, or shop online.

For both of these roles you must be a city council tenant or leaseholder. You will receive training and your expenses will be reimbursed.

There are regular opportunities to help with community events and activities and help with catering for our holiday lunch programme

Help support older people in sheltered housing and the wider community. Opportunities include being a conversation companion, helping to organise social events, helping us gather information about our level of service, and supporting local equalities groups.

There are various opportunities to volunteer at our sports events such as the annual half-marathon and Big Weekend, and our regular sports festivals and exercise classes. Roles include marshalls and stewards, coaches and sports leaders, officials and event registrars, and more. You don't have to be sporty to be a sports volunteer – there are opportunities available for everyone!

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