Litter-picking kits for volunteers

If you want to help us keep the city looking clean and tidy, one of the ways you can do so is by picking up litter.

If you want to organise a litter pick, we can lend you equipment including tools, gloves, bags and high-visibility vests. We offer kits in batches of 5 for adults and children. At least one adult aged 18 or older must take part in your litter pick.

There is no charge for borrowing the equipment. You will need to arrange to collect it from us between 9am and 3pm Monday to Friday. We’ll provide directions when we confirm the loan, as well as health and safety guidance, and instructions on how to report full bags of litter for collection,

We will only lend kits for litter picks in Cambridge. We can suggest a location within the city if you do not have anywhere specific in mind for your pick. If you are planning to use the kit outside the city boundary, please contact the relevant council.

Borrow a litter-picking kit

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