Staying healthy with money worries

We know that when finances are tight, it can become more difficult to look after your health – whether that’s because of having less choice over what food you eat, less access or time to exercise, or because of health implications if you are not able to heat your home effectively.

A cold and damp home can impact your health. Condensation can lead to mould growth, which can cause a sore throat, lung damage, and asthma. Find out how to reduce condensation and prevent mould in your home.

50% off leisure centres

We offer concessionary memberships and discounts of up to 50% to leisure centres for people on some benefit, including for swimming.

See swimming offers for full purchase details.

Free fitness activities to help improve your wellbeing

We provide a range of free and low-cost activity sessions to help anybody who is experiencing anxiety, depression or other mental ill health through our Invigorate programme.

Joining also entitles you to a free Better card, which gives you a 50% discount at some GLL-managed gyms and pools.

Free lifestyle changes service

We fund and partner with Healthy You, which offers a number of different health services to Cambridge residents.

These include programmes to:

  • stop smoking
  • boost your physical activity
  • eat more healthily
  • manage weight
  • prevent falls
  • reduce alcohol consumption

Many of these programmes are free or heavily subsidised to bring down costs.

If you are worried about your health, please email:

Children swim for £1

Children can swim for £1 at Parkside Pools and Abbey Leisure in Cambridge, before 10am on weekdays during school holidays, or before 10am on weekends during term time.

Free outdoor activities

Find out about free activities near you, including Parkrun, Park Tennis, PING table locations and cycling routes.

Free online activities

Join in a range of free online activities including a workout at home, and relax and unwind courses.

Support if you are in distress

The NHS can help you find a local NHS urgent mental health helpline.

Mental Health Crisis Breathing Space

The Mental Health Crisis ‘Breathing Space’ scheme gives people in problem debt and receiving treatment for a mental health crisis a ‘breathing space’ from the people they owe money to, so they can focus on their mental health recovery.

A similar ‘Breathing Space’ scheme is also available for people who are not currently in mental health crisis, which allows individuals time to get debt advice to help relieve the stress caused by debt.

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