Swimming offers

Some great offers on membership and fitness classes are available at all the individual centres. For more information check the Better website.

General swim admission prices

Swimming prices
Title Non-member Pay as you go member
Adult £6.20 £5.25
Junior £3.50 £3.10
Swim and sauna £10.50 N/A
Senior £3.10 £2.75
Adult concession £6.20 £2.75
Junior concession £3.50 £1.75

All pay as you go member prices require an additional annual membership fee.

Tokens for lockers can be purchased from reception for 50p (non-refundable).

For £40 per month you can join Better Swim UK, which gives you unlimited access to swim in all pool facilities run by Better (GLL) in the UK.

Discounted swimming pay and play cards

‘Pay and play’ cards give up to 30% off normal admission prices for 12 months from the date of purchase.

They cost £15.50 per adult and £6 per junior for Cambridge residents. For non-residents, they cost £35 per adult and £17.50 per child.

Pay and play concession cards give up to 50% off normal admission prices for 12 months from the date of purchase. They are available to people who receive specific benefits and cost £6 for adults and £3 for Juniors.

Applicable benefits include income-based jobseeker's allowance (JSA), employment and support allowance (ESA), council tax benefits, disability living or working allowance and pensions tax credit.

Pay and play discount cards for people aged 60 and over and full-time students give up to 35% discount for 12 months from the date of purchase. They cost £10.

Kids for a quid

Children can swim for £1 at the following times:

  • before 10am on weekends during term time in the swim for all sessions
  • before 10am on weekdays during the holidays

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