Running a business from your council home

If you want to run a business of any type from your council home, you must ask us for permission.

You must wait until we grant permission before beginning to operate your business. We need to be sure that the business will not affect the property or your neighbours. If necessary, we will ask you for further information to help us decide.

We will respond to you within five working days of receiving your request.

If we give you permission to run the business, we might impose certain conditions that you must comply with. As your landlord we hold the right to withdraw permission at any time.

Request permission to run a business from your council home

Alterations to your home

If you need to make any alterations to your home to run your business, you must obtain written permission to do so before you submit this application.

We will ask you to upload a copy of the permission you have received to make the necessary alterations with the application form. We will not process your application until we receive this proof.

We advise you not to make the alterations until you also have written permission to run a business from your home.

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