Complaints about punt touts


  • Punting
  • Complaints about punt touts

Touting includes verbally advertising or soliciting for custom for a punt tour or hiring a punt or similar craft. This includes walking tours that include punting or a boat trip.

We are aware of and working to address public concern about the activities and prevalence of punt touts.

A Public Spaces Protection Order prohibits touting for custom in Cambridge.

Breaching the order is a criminal offence, with a consequence of a £100 fixed penalty notice or prosecution. Uniformed enforcement officers and police patrols monitor the behaviour of punt touts and can issue fixed penalty notices.

Make a complaint

If you want to complain about a punt tout, tell us:

  • the exact nature of the complaint – for example, if you heard the tout offer a punt tour or similar
  • the name of the tout if you know it, or the company they work for
  • where and when the incident took place
  • how the behaviour made you feel, particularly if it was aggressive or rude



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