Climate change strategy

Tackling climate change is one of our key policy priorities. We declared a climate emergency in 2019 and shared a vision for Cambridge to be net zero carbon by 2030 in our Climate Change Strategy.

It includes six key objectives to address the causes and consequences of climate change:

  • Reducing carbon emissions from our buildings, land, vehicles and services
  • Reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions from homes and buildings
  • Reducing carbon emissions from transport
  • Reducing consumption of resources, reducing waste, and increasing recycling
  • Promoting sustainable food
  • Supporting residents, businesses and our services to adapt to the impacts of climate change

Our Climate Change Strategy Action Plan [PDF, 0.5MB] explains how we plan to achieve this vision. Our Carbon Management Plan explains how we plan to reduce our own emissions to net zero.

Our objectives depend partly on the government, industry and regulators making necessary changes.

Progress reports

Climate Change Strategy 2021 to 2026

Climate Change Strategy 2016 to 2021

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