Domestic abuse is a crime. Always call 999 in an emergency.
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Domestic abuse is not just physical violence. It is any type of abuse from someone you have (or have had) a relationship with, including economic, emotional, sexual or mental abuse.
Abusive behaviour includes acting in a controlling, coercive or threatening manner; typical actions might include taking your money, stopping you seeing your friends and family, or threatening your children or pets.
Domestic abuse can affect anyone.
- Read the Home Office’s Domestic Abuse Act factsheet
- Read the Home Office’s guidance on domestic violence and abuse
- Read Refuge’s advice about planning to leave home
Where to find help
Housing Advice Service
Our Housing Advice Service can help if you are living with domestic abuse.
We can help you prepare to leave and find a refuge, or we can help you secure your home so you can stay there safely.
We can advise on tenancy issues – including occupation orders, joint tenancies and homelessness – and can put you in touch with other organisations (some of which are listed below) that provide support and legal advice.
Safe Spaces
Pharmacies including Boots and Superdrug are offering their consulting rooms as Safe Spaces for victims of domestic violence.
Walk into any of the pharmacies taking part in the UK Says No More campaign and ask to use their Safe Space.
The room will contain all the information you need, and provide a sanctuary to make relevant calls.
Other useful information
The Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence (DASV) Partnership maintains a domestic abuse directory. It contains contact details of organisations that can help you or someone you know who is being affected by domestic abuse.
The following websites also provide information, advice and support to people affected by domestic abuse. Most have a telephone helpline.
- Cambridgeshire Deaf Association
- Cambridge Rape Crisis
- Cambridge Women’s Aid
- Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence (DASV) Partnership
- Childline
- Choices Counselling – for adult survivors of child sexual abuse
- Digital Tech Safety
- Discrimination and harassment
- Domestic Abuse National Helpline
- Domestic Abuse and Support Service (DASS)
- The Elms Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC)
- Female genital mutilation (FGM) NSPCC helpline – for support and advice to help keep children and young people safe from FGM
- Female genital mutilation (Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Safeguarding Children Partnership Board)
- Foundation for Women’s Health Research and Development (Forward) – supporting African women and girls
- Galop (for LGBT+ people)
- Hourglass – for older people
- Independent Domestic Violence Advisory (IDVA) Service
- Jewish Women’s Aid
- Karma Nirvana (for victims of honour crimes and forced marriages)
- Loving Me – specialist service for transgender and non-binary victims of domestic abuse or sexual violence who are aged 18 and older
- Men’s Advice Line
- Muslim Women’s Network UK
- National Stalking Helpline
- One Voice for Travellers – help and information for survivors of violence within the travelling community
- PEG Support - for child to parent abuse
- Refuge (for women)
- Respect
- Restored – International Christian alliance offering help and information for supporting survivors within the Christian faith
- Sikh Helpline
- Surviving Economic Abuse
- Survivors UK - Specialist service for male and non-binary survivors aged 13+ who have experienced sexual violence
- Trafficking
- Traveller Movement
- Victim Services – victim and witness hub with support directory
Legal advice is available from several sources, including:
White Ribbon and DAHA accreditation
We achieved White Ribbon status in 2015, and were accredited by the Domestic Abuse Housing Alliance (DAHA) in 2019.