Housing advice

Our Housing Advice service provides free, confidential advice to anyone in the Cambridge City Council district. We can provide advice on a wide range of housing issues, from landlord disputes to homelessness.

If you have seen the Housing Advice Service and have a Personal Housing Plan (PHP), you can log in to your plan.

Please see the linked factsheets below if you fall into one of the following groups, they contain housing advice specifically tailored to your needs:

Our Housing Advice Service manages Cambridge’s register for social housing, the Home-Link choice-based lettings system.

Visit GOV.UK for advice about how to continue to live in the UK after it leaves the EU.

Housing advice service

Contact us if you need advice. If you need more detailed advice than we can provide immediately, we can schedule an appointment for you to visit our customer service centre. If it’s easier, we can arrange for a housing advisor to call you back.

If your situation is critical – if you are homeless today – contact us by phone as soon as possible. If you contact us before 3.45pm and we assess that you have nowhere to go, we will contact you back the same day.

If you need to contact us by email, please ensure you use the correct email address from the list below. Our services are under considerable strain at the moment, and we cannot guarantee we can respond quickly – but we will do the best we can.

  • If you have an enquiry about your application to the housing register (your Home-Link application), check managing your Home-Link account. If your question is not answered there, contact cbl@cambridge.gov.uk.
  • If you have been asked to send in evidence to support your application, please send it to proofs@cambridge.gov.uk. If you cannot email it, post it to Housing Advice Service, Cambridge City Council, PO Box 700, Cambridge CB1 0JH.
  • If you need general advice about your housing situation, and you are not an existing council tenant, contact housing.advice@cambridge.gov.uk.
  • Read further information for council tenants.

If you are threatened with losing your home, you can refer yourself into our housing advice service. We will call you back within five working days.

Housing options for older people

Are you or a relative aged over 65? Perhaps your home has become too large to manage, is in poor condition, or is too far from friends or family?

We want to encourage you to think about how your home will suit you in your older years. Considering housing options at an early stage can help you maintain independence and wellbeing in later years.

Housing Options for Older People (Hoop) provides free information, advice and support. It's free to use and can be accessed online or by telephone.

You can answer a simple questionnaire about your home and how well it suits you. Your answers will put you in touch with local housing options (sheltered housing, extra care schemes), support services and community groups that can provide practical support and advice.

Hoop can help older people find solutions for moving somewhere more suitable. This could include somewhere cheaper and easier to run, better designed or located, with more human company or extra security from crime and reassurance in case of an accident.

If you think you or one of your family members could benefit from this service, visit Housing Options for Older People for more information.

Hoop is provided by the Elderly Accommodation Counsel.

Data sharing with the MHCLG

The Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government (formerly the DCLG) wants to find out how services to help people at risk of homelessness are working. In order to do this, Cambridge City Council may share your information with them.

More details can be found in this leaflet Sharing information with MHCLG [PDF, 0.1MB]

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