Voi electric bike and scooter trial

Cambridge is taking part in a trial scheme for Voi electric bikes and scooters, which you can hire to get around the city.

Using Voi’s app on your smartphone, you can find a nearby ‘e-bike’ or ‘e-scooter’. You can then unlock it by scanning the barcode on it, and use it for as long as you need.

The trial began in October 2020. There are about 50 bikes and 300 scooters available around Cambridge.

The Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority (CPCA) are managing the trial. They are keen to hear your feedback about the trial – contact them to let them know what you think.

Voi have about 50 staff at their local depot to manage supply and respond to any issues. They have signed up to the county council’s code of conduct that governs hire schemes like this.

We are working with the CPCA and Voi to ensure the trial is a success.

The government is monitoring the trial and others like it across the country. It will inform their decision on whether to legalise using electric scooters on UK roads.

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