My Cambridge

My Cambridge logo

Every young person in Cambridge should be able to confidently construct their own cultural life, drawing on and feeling connected to the whole of the city in which they live. We worked with over 60 people from arts, culture, education, youth services and young people themselves to develop this goal and three main priorities.

We're asking arts and cultural organisations to sign up and use their own programmes to help meet this goal. We also identified some specific actions that we see as essential to help us achieve this goal:

Children and young people are able to take the lead in developing their cultural lives   

  • Development of Arts Award is prioritised across Cambridge.
  • Practical routes for children and young people to take the lead are developed.
  • Schools and arts and cultural organisations commit to enabling young people to take the lead.

Arts and cultural environment is highly visible and easy to access 

  • Long term relationships between schools and arts and cultural organisations are established.
  • Arts and cultural organisations co-ordinate information and communication with schools (on-line and face to face).
  • Activity outside traditional venues is prioritised.

Institutions, adults and young people understand and are committed to the importance of arts and culture for children and young people

  • Decision-makers are given the right knowledge and tools to make effective decisions.
  • The diversity of arts and cultural activity enjoyed by young people is recognised and respected.
  • Effective local research is taking place.

How to work with us

There are a number of ways that arts and cultural organisations can work with us to deliver the My Cambridge goal:

Using your existing programmes to help meet the My Cambridge goal

If your activity already meets, or can be easily adjusted to meet one or more of the priority areas listed above we are very keen to hear from you and would encourage you to use the My Cambridge logo to demonstrate your association. 

To use the My Cambridge logo simply download and complete our logo use agreement, and return it to us.

Your activity can also be promoted on the My Cambridge events and activities listings page.

Partnership working

We are actively seeking partners to work with us, to help shape the programme and help identify further resources to deliver. If you have future plans that you think will fit with My Cambridge please let us know by emailing


There will be a number of commissioning opportunities through My Cambridge, to support targeted work. If you are interested in being considered for a commission again, please let us know by emailing

Who is My Cambridge?

We have formally adopted the project along with Cambridgeshire County Council, Cambridge Arts and Cultural Leaders, Norfolk and Norwich Festival Bridge and the Kite Teaching School Alliance. A steering group with representatives of each of these bodies is taking it forward.  A wide range of arts and cultural organisations, schools and others are already bringing forward activity under the key outcomes. For the identified key collective actions, a process of project development is now underway, identifying potential delivery partners, accessing feasibility and delivery options, and moving towards either commissioning or partnership working as appropriate.

For more information about My Cambridge, visit My Cambridge via the CAN website, follow us on twitter @mycambs or email

My Cambridge is one of three thematic partnerships identified in our role for arts and culture.

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