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Cambridge City Council

Moving out of your council home

If you plan to end your council tenancy and move out of your council home, you must give us four weeks’ notice in writing. The notice period starts on a Monday.

When we receive your notice, we’ll arrange to visit you to inspect the condition of your home. We’ll identify any work that needs to be completed before you leave. This might include returning any alterations you have made to their original condition.

In exceptional circumstances, it might not be possible to complete the inspection prior to moving out. The tenant, however, might still be liable to the extra charges resulting from misuse or unapproved alterations.

The property keys need to be returned to the Cowley Road key safe at Cambridge City Council Depot by midday on day 28 of the notice period.

We’ll check whether you have completed any required work, and if necessary will charge you for any outstanding work.

When leaving your home, remember to:

  • Remove all belongings and furniture, including from the loft, shed or garden if the property has these. This includes carpets unless we have agreed otherwise with you. We will not store anything you leave, and we will charge the cost of disposal to you
  • Leave the property clean and in a good state of repair, including fixtures, fittings and decorations
  • Secure the property – lock all the doors and windows, including communal doors, and give us all the keys
  • Turn off the gas, electricity and water supplies. Let us know who your suppliers are, and close your accounts with them
  • Leave your wheelie bins at the property. They don’t have to be empty, but please make sure the lids close.
  • Redirect your mail

We might ask to arrange for prospective new tenants to view the property before you leave.

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