Living in the new neighbourhoods


We welcome new residents to the new neighbourhoods in Cambridge. We hope that you will be happy in your new home and that you will enjoy all that the city has to offer.

Frequently asked questions

How do I register for an allotment?

Residents living in the new neighbourhoods can apply for a nearby allotment. Find out more about allotments.

How do I get refuse and recycling bins for my new home?

Your housebuilder is responsible for ensuring bins are provided for your property before you move in. If there are any special arrangements for putting out your bins (for example, on streets still under construction), your housebuilder or landlord should let you know.

Each house is provided with three wheelie bins (blue for recyclables, green for garden & food waste and black for other household waste). Apartment blocks have shared refuse bins for general waste and recyclable waste.

What’s being done to help keep the disruption of construction down to a minimum for those who have already moved into their new homes?

All developers are asked to join the Considerate Contractor scheme. This is a voluntary code of good practice, over and above the legal minimum requirements, to ensure that construction work doesn't make life unpleasant for people who live and work nearby.

What can I do to connect with my neighbours and get involved in my community?

Moving to a new home can be an exciting time, but it can also be difficult if you’ve moved away from a strong network of family and friends. Here are a few ideas to help:

  • chat to your neighbours and organise an afternoon tea, coffee morning or street party to get to know each other. When everyone is new, we all need to make connections. If you need help with this, contact your community development officer at
  • social media: most areas have a resident led Facebook and Twitter presence to help neighbour-to-neighbour exchange. If you can’t find any, it may be a good idea to start one
  • stay active or start a new hobby: check out the classes and groups on offer at your local community centre
  • funding has been provided to help neighbours, groups of residents and community organisations kick-start new activities. If you want to start a book-club, sports collective, set up a community swap-shop, host a street party or similar - contact your community development officer, about what support is available, at

Who should I contact if I have concerns about my new house?

  • If you have bought a home, contact your house-builder’s customer care team. If they cannot resolve your issues, get in touch with the National House Building Council (NHBC)
  • If you are a tenant in affordable housing, contact your registered provider’s housing manager
  • If you are a private tenant, contact your managing agent or the property owner.

What schools are being provided for the new neighbourhoods and how do I apply for a school place for my child?

On Cambridge’s Southern Fringe, in addition to the existing Fawcett Primary School, there are two new primary schools (Trumpington Meadows and Trumpington Park Primary School) and a secondary school, Trumpington Community College.

In Cambridge’s North West quadrant, there will be two more primary schools and another secondary school. This includes the University of Cambridge Primary School.

To register your child for a school space, contact the school admissions service at Cambridgeshire County Council.

How do I contact my local councillor and MP?

Electoral wards in Cambridge have three city councillors and a county councillor.

Use the search facilities to contact your Cambridge City Councillors and your County Councillor.

To find your MP, use the MP finder.

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