Dog fouling

We have installed bins for dog waste around the city. You can also use any litter bin as long as the poo is in a bag or other receptacle.

Failing to clear up dog mess is a criminal offence. A Public Spaces Protection Order governs dog control in Cambridge. Failure to comply with its requirements can result in a fixed penalty notice of £100 or a fine of up to £1,000 if convicted. This includes fouling on open land, roads, footpaths or grass verges.

It’s no defence to say you had nothing to clean up with – always carry a bag.

Tell us about dog mess to be cleared

Use our online form to ask us to clear up dog mess.

Report dog mess

We need you to tell us:

  • the location of the waste including whether it is on public or private land
  • a description of the waste to help us find it
  • Whether there are any factors (such as access restriction) that might prevent us getting to the waste

If you do not live in Cambridge, contact South Cambridgeshire District Council  to request dog poo be cleaned up or to report somebody failing to clean up after their dog.

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