Cycling and walking schemes

Cambridge has the highest level of cycling in the country with one in three residents cycling to work.

Being a compact and flat city, cycling and walking are quick, cheap and pollution-free methods of travel. Cycling and walking are also great ways to exercise.

Local schemes

A number of schemes encouraging cycling and walking operate in Cambridge. Here are just a few that might interest you:

  • The county council provides maps of local cycle routes
  • You can borrow a pushchair when you park your bike at the Grand Arcade or Park Street cycle park
  • Bikeability (formerly Cycling Proficiency) cycle training for primary school children is run in Cambridge by Outspoken
  • Outspoken also provide cycle training for adult groups and individuals – anything from techniques for riding safely and confidently in traffic to learning to ride from scratch
  • Camcycle is run by volunteers campaigning for the rights of cyclists and promoting cycling in and around Cambridge
  • CycleStreets, created by members of Camcycle, provides cycling directions and a map showing the quickest walking and cycling routes around Cambridge

National schemes

There are a number of national schemes of note that might interest you too:

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