Report an abandoned or missing bike

Tell us if you think a bike has been abandoned, or if you think yours might have been reported as abandoned and removed.

Abandoned bikes

We investigate all reports of abandoned bicycles on open public land.

We cannot investigate bikes in covered areas such as bike sheds, and bikes at the train station are the responsibility of Greater Anglia. We also cannot investigate or remove bikes on the guided busway or at Park & Ride sites.

When you report an abandoned bike you’ll be asked to provide details of the make, model, colour and any identifying features of the bicycle. You will also be asked to describe its location, and what makes you think it is abandoned.

Report an abandoned bike

We’ll attach a yellow tag to the bike to warn that it appears to be abandoned and will be removed if it is not claimed.

We’ll remove any bike that remains unclaimed. We store bikes for two weeks to enable claims to be made, then recycle them if they are not claimed.

Missing bikes

You should contact the police if you think your bike has been stolen.

It’s possible that we removed your bike because it was reported as abandoned. If you think this might have happened, report it using our online form.

We’ll keep your report for one month and check it against the abandoned bikes we have stored during that time.

If we find a match we’ll contact you to arrange a suitable time to return it to you. We will not contact you if we do not have your bike.

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