Car clubs

If you only need occasional access to a vehicle, we encourage you to join a car club and hire one when you need it. Car clubs can help to reduce congestion and improve air quality.

In Cambridge, Enterprise provides the official car club. You can hire vehicles by the day or hour, in advance or on the go.

The club gives you pay-as-you-go access to more than 40 low-emission hybrid vehicles around the city. You can also hire more than 1,500 vehicles elsewhere in the UK.

If you live in Cambridge, you can join Enterprise for £20 for your first year, saving £40. Enter the code CAMB20 when you register. You will also receive £20 of driving credit.

If you belong to another car club, you can join Enterprise for £1 for your first year. Enter the code COMP600 when you register. You will need to provide proof of membership of the other club.

Terms and conditions apply to these offers.

If you run a business, your colleagues can join for free if you open a corporate account. Contact Enterprise to arrange this.

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