A biodiverse city

It is widely recognised that urgent action is required to reverse the global decline in biodiversity. It is needed to ensure the ecosystems on which we all rely can recover to sustainable levels.

The Cambridge City Council Biodiversity Strategy 2022-30 [PDF, 2.5MB] sets out a clear vision to achieve our objective of a measurable net biodiversity gain across Cambridge, alongside our objective of tackling climate change by becoming a net zero council by 2030.

We plan to review our Biodiversity Strategy to include a measurable increase in biodiversity as a priority.

We have already implemented many initiatives and projects identified in the strategy. One of the most important was the designation of 12 local nature reserves to protect some of our most precious habitats.


We recognise that we cannot meet this challenge alone.

You can help us make a difference and improve local biodiversity. We provide a range of opportunities for you to volunteer to help us improve the quality of your local area.

We are a member of Natural Cambridgeshire, a local partnership that recovers and safeguards habitats and species. The partnership works to put nature at the heart of decision making. It aims to be an exemplar for the restoration of the natural environment.

We are a member of the Cambridge Nature Network who collaborate to protect, enhance and link the core network of wildlife sites in and around the city.

We also have long-standing agreements with the Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Northamptonshire Wildlife Trust and the Cambridge & Peterborough Environmental Records Centre. These partners help us manage and monitor local wildlife sites, and provide ecological advice on planning decisions.

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