Update your benefits account when your address or circumstances change

If you receive Housing Benefit or Council Tax Reduction you must tell us about changes in your circumstances. They could affect the amount of benefit you receive. This includes if you receive a second-adult rebate.

Tell us about:

  • a change of address
  • a change in earnings for any adult in the household
  • a change in other income received by anyone in your household (such as other benefits, tax credits, pensions, or child maintenance payments)
  • a change in savings and investments for any adult in the household
  • a change in the number of people living with you

This list is not a full list - if in doubt, tell us anyway.

Tell us about changes

  • The system will be unavailable between 6.30 and 8pm every evening for system maintenance. Please ensure you complete your new claim by this point, or save it and return to it after 8pm.
  • If you do not complete and submit your claim within 14 days of starting, it will automatically be deleted and you will have to restart the process.

If you delay telling us about changes, you might miss out on benefit you are entitled to, which cannot be backdated later.

If you are paid too much benefit because you have not told us about a change (an “overpayment”), you will have to pay it back. You could have your benefit stopped and might even face criminal charges for fraud.

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